The film will not be released before March 19, 2025. But already, the Bodin’s have embarked on a marathon of previews to introduce their new feature film, The Bodin’s are going into a tailspin. At the CGR des Deux-Lions cinema, in Tours, this Tuesday, January 21, three previews were scheduled for the same evening. “We could have opened other rooms, everything was full”told us Pierre Crétet, the director of the complex.
At 5:30 p.m., spectators at the Touraine preview had a big surprise when they saw the silhouette of Bodin’s arrive from the back of the room. Not only did Vincent Dubois and Jean-Christian Fraiscinet, alias Maria and Christian, exchange a few words with the audience, but the duo went to take a seat in the room to see their feature film, shot partly in Preuilly-sur-Claise.
“We didn’t see it completely finishedChristian assured the audience. “We’re going to find out with you, we’re excited, we hope you’ll like the film. We’ve been working on it for three years…”
Maria and Christian in the Moroccan desert
With 1.7 million admissions, their latest film, Bodin’s in Thailand released in 2021, was a hit. “We have already told our characters Maria and Christian a lot of things. The more things go, the more it is an additional constraint to make them experience new things,” confided Jean-Christian Fraiscinet a few minutes before entering the cinema. However, the duo took up the challenge by working with the same director, Frédéric Forestier.
“The subject of the film is the desertification of the countryside, it doesn’t necessarily seem funny like that, but with the Bodins, it’s always comedy. » With this theme, the duo hopes to touch the hearts of their audience, those who live in rural areas. Small businesses closing, doctors missing… “It speaks to people, it’s their daily life. »
In THE Bodin’s are going into a tailspinthe abandoned village was named “Pouziou les trois galoches”. Quite quickly, Maria and her son Christian will leave their farm and their goats to venture into the aisles of the Agricultural Show, then into the Moroccan desert. The funny scenes follow one another, while Les Bodin’s discover “bouque face” and of « took took ».
Sitting in the middle of the room, Patrick and Anne-Marie had a great time. “As usual with the Bodin’s, we had a good laugh. » They are connoisseurs. “We’ve seen all their shows, we have all their DVDs”confides the retired couple living in Chambourg-sur-Indre. “They have made progress since their first film Wedding at the Bodin’sit shows that they have more resources. » But the actors did not get big heads, according to them. “Their films resemble them. And above all, they make us forget our worries. »
“We want to remain artisans”
The younger generation, present at the preview, was also won over. “It’s very funny, admits Maxence, 15 years old. There is perhaps a little less punchline than in Les Bodin’s in Thailand. » For Mélanie, her mother, the Bodin’s describe the rural world to perfection. “The character of Maria is very touching, I have the impression of seeing my grandmother, who lived on a farm. »
A message that echoes the sincerity of the duo. “As the films progress, we become aware that cinema is an industry, analyzed Vincent Dubois. We, with Jean-Christian, want to remain artisans. » The recipe for their success? “Our luck is to have had success quite late. We had time to do our job, to make our way. »