due to lack of budget, Unédic is worried about its financing

Jean-Eudes Tesson, president (Medef) of Unédic, in , February 21, 2023. ROMUALD MEIGNEUX/SIPA

Unédic is putting pressure on the government. The joint association which manages unemployment insurance has decided to alert François Bayrou about the state of his finances. In a letter sent on Monday January 13 to the Prime Minister, its managers expressed their concerns while recalling the State's responsibility in the deterioration of Unédic's accounts. The alarm is not new, but it takes on an unprecedented magnitude with the sending of this document − that The World obtained − signed by the president (Medef) of the organization, Jean-Eudes Tesson, and by its vice-president (CFDT), Patricia Ferrand.

The Unédic office unanimously decided by representatives of the social partners to write to François Bayrou “in order to attract [son] attention to the direct consequences of postponing the adoption of a finance bill [PLF] for 2025 on the financial situation of the scheme ». The examination of the budget in Parliament could not be completed due to the censorship of the Barnier government by the deputies, on December 4, 2024. The absence of a budget plunges Unédic into an uncertain situation, because the Each year, the State gives it its guarantee for its loans, for an amount defined in finance laws.

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