Christmas isn’t quite over yet! The 2x Christmas action, which started on December 24, continues until Saturday January 18. It is organized jointly and for the 28e year by the SSR, Swiss Post, Coop and the Swiss Red Cross. It’s about collecting everyday goods for people affected by poverty.
In Switzerland, more than 702,000 people are affected by this problem. That is to say, they live on less than 2,300 francs per month for a single person and less than 4,000 francs for a couple with two children. Retirees who are struggling to make ends meet, as well as students, can also benefit from the 2x Christmas action. You can participate in several ways. Already made packages are available in certain Coop stores and online. You also have the possibility of making them yourself, as explained by Joëlle Scacchi, communications manager for the 2x Christmas action at the Swiss Red Cross. These are long-lasting foods such as rice, pasta, coffee or canned goods, but also hygiene products.
You can then either drop off your packages at a post office or use the pick@home service free of charge. The food is then collected by the Swiss Red Cross before being redistributed in the different cantons.
The goods collected are redistributed in Switzerland. People in need can contact their cantonal association to benefit from this action. The Red Cross also redistributes part of the goods to associations such as Pro Infirmis. She is also organizing a collection of donations as part of this action. The money is invested in winter relief projects abroad in Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova.
Last year, more than 50,000 people were able to benefit from the 2x Christmas action in Switzerland and 12,000 abroad. /sma