It had been known for several months that the amount of learning aid would decrease. It remained to be seen how much, and within what scope. We had to wait until Monday December 30, two days before the end of the current system, to be determined. In a press release, the Ministry of Labor announced that the hiring bonus for apprentices would be reduced.
Until now it was 6,000 euros in the first year, regardless of the size of the company or the level of education. It will now be 5,000 euros for companies with fewer than 250 employees and 2,000 euros for others. However, it will remain at the initial level for the hiring of an apprentice with a disability. Mentioned several times, this differentiation according to the size of the company was not, however, the first approach taken during the preparation of the budget by the Barnier government, which instead planned to reduce the aid to 4,500 euros for the entire world.
“In the absence of a decision, the aid would have only concerned contracts preparing for baccalaureate and infrabac level diplomas and only for companies with fewer than 250 employees, i.e. less than a third of contracts”explains the ministry in its press release. “With this decision, we are continuing to promote this path of excellence which promotes the professional integration of young people, claims the Minister of Labor and Employment, Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet, in the press release. We also allow companies to benefit from the skills essential to their development. »
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