The National Rally chooses a quiet return to school (and it’s no coincidence)

The National Rally chooses a quiet return to school (and it’s no coincidence)

POLITICS – Put away your oboes, relegate your bagpipes. The National Rally is discreetly organizing its political comeback, this Saturday, September 14, in Paris. Gone is the sunshine of Beaucaire, gone is the sea air of Fréjus, it is in a room without a soul (and without activists) that the Le Pen deputies were invited to meet, against a backdrop of questioning after the legislative election campaign.

Repeal of pension reform: how the RN plans to trap the left

Because after a successful first round and despite 126 deputies making the RN the first group in the Assembly, the vote shed a harsh light on the limits of the party chaired by Jordan Bardella.

Before an enlarged national council scheduled for Sunday, the executives will devote two and a half hours to European issues and the presentation of the RN’s economic program. As if it were necessary to combine rigor and discipline to definitively chase away the demons of amateurism and disastrous investitures. This is in any case the stated will of the party leadership, while the threat of internal score-settling hangs over this return to school. “These weekends are traditionally expensive, festive, sometimes distant for some elected officials. It is not so bad that the executives meet together to think about the next events”justifies Vice-President Louis Aliot, quoted by L’Express.

“A little violent”

Near the HuffPostan RN deputy moderately appreciates the austerity of the chosen format. It’s much less pleasant than meeting in Beaucaire. Meeting in a gloomy room of the Assembly, without outside light, is even a bit violent, even low-end. It’s not because we didn’t win that we can’t appreciate, in a friendly way, our progress. “, sighs this parliamentarian re-elected without difficulty in his constituency. Expecting a climate ” tense “, the same regrets that this return to school is taking place without activists, even if a meeting is planned in Nice at the beginning of October.

It must be said that the party with the tricolour flame, which is working in parallel on its defence in the parliamentary assistants affair, is preparing to open the case that is causing controversy: the revision of the internal organisation to avoid the (multiple) blunders of the legislative elections, between casting errors and programmatic errors. After the departure of the general director Gilles Pennelle at the beginning of July, the European deputy Aleksandar Nikolic was tasked during the summer with carrying out an audit of the federations, to identify the dysfunctions and propose ways to correct them. According to the New Obsthe MEP handed over his work to Jordan Bardella. It should therefore be discussed during these two days. Enough to ensure success in the event of dissolution and new legislative elections? Our MEP quoted above doubts it.

“Growth crisis”

« It’s all well and good to be interested in local organization, but you have to think about how you campaign. We didn’t lose 60 winnable constituencies because a Nazi cap was revealed in the press. Was choosing “Jordan Bardella Prime Minister” as a slogan a good idea? I don’t think so.tackles our interlocutor, who sees in this choice the reproduction of ” the error » of NUPES in 2022, which Jean-Luc Mélenchon promised to Matignon: « This frightens the central bloc, which mobilizes against us ».

Prevarications over pension reform, the burden of dual nationality, artistic vagueness surrounding the dual border… Several blunders committed during the campaign will not be resolved through a purge of the ” black sheep ” companies in the federations. Because these are dysfunctions for which the responsibility lies with the head of a party ” in a growth crisis “, according to the terms used by a manager, for whom the general staff will not be able to avoid questioning.

This is true for both Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen. The latter has appointed a new chief of staff and is already refining a new close guard, explains The Figaro, while the president of the RN is still trying to expand his staff, considered too weak internally. So many sensitive issues that are actually more suited to closed-door discussions in room 6217 of the Palais Bourbon than to the big bucolic back-to-school parties. But while the far-right party could separate from a third of its departmental delegates deemed at fault, there is also a great risk of leaving blood on the walls.

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