The company said it had “immediately implemented measures to stop the attack and strengthen the security of (its) systems.”
New cyber attack on a company. The Norauto brand, specializing in automobile maintenance, was affected by a data leak on several thousand of its customers, and certain identity document numbers, the company confirmed to an AFP journalist on Tuesday. “Norauto was the subject of a cyber-malicious act. The investigations carried out by our teams mobilized on the subject indicate that personal data specifically linked to our rental service have been targeted”said the company, which specified that 78,000 customers are affected.
The personal data affected by the leak bears, “depending on the cases”on first and last names, email and postal addresses, telephone numbers, loyalty card numbers as well as identity document numbers provided during rentals. The brand did not specify what proportion of customers were affected by this leak linked to identity documents. Norauté specified that it had “immediately implemented measures to stop the attack and strengthen the security of (its) systems”and having communicated about this malicious act to its customers. The CNIL, the French personal data watchdog, has confirmed that it has received a notification of data breaches, a mandatory procedure.