Cetim enriches its Failure Analysis activity with a new Tortoise tool

Cetim enriches its Failure Analysis activity with a new Tortoise tool
Cetim enriches its Failure Analysis activity with a new Tortoise tool

Developed by the Ile-de-France start-up, this solution called statistical fractography is based on fracture facies roughness technology.

Cetim and Tortoise announced that they had signed a collaboration contract with the aim of expanding their Failure Analysis activity. This step marks progress in the relationship between the two companies, which began in 2017, when Tortoise was founded. Based in Paris, the start-up is developing a statistical fractography solution, based on patented technology for the statistical study of the roughness of fracture facies. From the analysis of a small fragment of a broken material, from 1 mm², it is able to determine its mechanical properties such as its toughness or its breaking stress, and to go back to the level of mechanical loading reached in service. With the support of Cetim, Tortois followed a work program which made it possible to develop this technology, analyze industrial application cases and structure an offer adapted to the failure analysis market.

Today, the result of this collaboration is here. The service offered by Cetim first carries out a scan of the rupture facies, using a profilometer. The data collected is then subject to statistical processing by algorithms developed by Tortoise. The results are then analyzed by experts from both companies and ultimately enable problem-solving efforts to be initiated.

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