Trebes. Enhancement of the partnership between MLOA and AS. The factory

Trebes. Enhancement of the partnership between MLOA and AS. The factory
Trebes. Enhancement of the partnership between MLOA and AS. The factory

the essential
The production site of the luxury leather goods group AS, La Manufacture, was opened in the artisanal zone of Béragne last summer. And it’s still growing.

Friday, June 14, Régis Banquet, president of Carcassonne Agglo, Daniel Iché, its vice-president, also president of the Local Mission of the West Aude (MLOA), Jean-Pierre Munich, director of the MLOA, Éric Ménassi, mayor, were welcomed into the AS La Manufacture company by François Oliverio, workshop director, and Julien Esclapez, human resources manager. François Oliverio has been director of the workshop since September 2023, but has been part of the Algo structure since 2012.

The AS group, created by Alex Signoles, its founding president in 2000, continually invests in the development of production capacities in order to support its growth driven by the sharply increasing demands of its customers. Recruitments are made in the Carcassonne employment area, with no criteria other than manual aptitude and that of working in a team. The AS group provides training for recruits in the profession of leatherworker or trunk maker. The objective of the meeting was to promote the partnership with the MLOA. Daniel Iché spoke about the support of young people by the MLOA while meeting the recruitment needs of companies. Collective information, successful tests, and Nicolas joins the structure as part of a temporary mission. He is delighted. Daniel Iché recommends that he hang on: “The company seems satisfied with your work, don’t give up.”

“A chance for this territory”

Officials spoke of a beautiful morning in Béragne, alongside two elected officials who managed to bring reputable companies to this large abandoned field, allowing local residents to have jobs. “A chance for this territory, continued the mayor. Work is the key to everything, thank you for being there and develop yourself.” Régis Banquet, president of the agglomeration, described the companies established in Béragne as “precious stones. The duty of an elected official is to ensure that the future is better in his sector. The political strategy is to encourage the establishment of industrial companies, while developing services that employees may need in their workplace.

François Oliverio, before visiting the premises, spoke of progress: “In August 2023, during the move, there were 180 employees; today, there are 270. The growth objective for the first half of 2025 is 350 employees. Our group is, like its founder, very discreet, but we are delighted with the support we receive.”



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