This €4 IKEA accessory keeps your house cool

This €4 IKEA accessory keeps your house cool
This €4 IKEA accessory keeps your house cool

30, 35, 40°C… After a hotter than ever summer in 2023, what should we expect, mercury-wise, this year? Météo France sets the tone: the season will be hotter than normal, and several regions should experience at least one heat wave. To protect your cocoon from scorching temperatures, you need to equip yourself now. And no need to spend a fortune: even without air conditioning and a fan, you can gain a few precious degrees of freshness at home thanks to this €4 accessory from IKEA.

Extreme heat: how to cool your house easily?

At the height of summer, maintaining a pleasant temperature at home can be a challenge. And since the episodes of heat wave are becoming more and more common, it may seem wise to invest in some durable and expensive solutions, such as the installation of air conditioning. But you can also refresh the house without putting a strain on your savings account, by adopting some good reflexes:

  • Close shutters and curtains during the day
  • Create air currents by strategically ventilating (preferably in the evening or at night)
  • Limit usage electrical appliances : they give off heat when they are running!
  • Bank on the lightweight textiles : sheets, curtains, rugs and cushions… Swap your heavy, dark winter fabrics for linen or cotton gauze, which are more breathable and lighter.
  • Humidifier the air: thanks to a few plants or a mister (or even simple bowls of water in the rooms).
  • Linen technique : dry your damp laundry inside the house to freshen the ambient air!

Finally, you can block the sun’s rays before they reach your windows (and get inside your home). And just like that, the catalog IKEA contains an ideal gadget to waterproof your windows and prevent overheating.

The €4 IKEA tip for a cool home all summer long

4,99€ : this is the price of SCHOTTIS blackout pleated blindsold by IKEA and designed to block sunlight all year round. In winter, it allows you to sleep in without being disturbed; in summer, it keeps the room cool. As a bonus, the accessory is very easy to install thanks to a self-adhesive strip and it can be cut to fit any window.

But above all, by blocking the light, it reduces the interior temperature and allows create a cooler and more comfortable atmosphere when outside, the heatwave rages. Liliana Pitharas, a young budding renovator, recommended the tip on his social networks: “I measured the width of my windows and realized that I needed three blinds, which is a total cost of €12. It’s a ideal solution for those who do not want to drill holes in their walls or invest in expensive blackout curtains,” she says.

Other equipment to consider to stay cooler at home

You want to enjoy a maximum freshness inside, all summer long? In addition to these blackout blinds at mini prices, bet on a bouquet of equipment and tips ! For example :

  • The Vsceiling fans : because they consume less energy than air conditioning and are much more efficient than free-standing models.
  • THE reflective films for windows: they reject the sun’s rays before they reach your windows, which reduces the amount of heat that enters your home.
  • Thermal curtains: thicker than ordinary curtains, they insulate windows and prevent heat from entering. But you have to keep them closed at all times!
  • The vegetation : Planting trees or vines outside your windows can provide natural shade to your home. Furthermore, certain indoor plants also have refreshing properties: we don’t hesitate to overuse them this summer!

The good point? All these tips are energy efficient ! Freshness and savings are yours.



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