Temporary unemployment: the control card will soon be digital only! – VBO FEB – Verbond van Belgische Ondernemingen

Temporary unemployment: the control card will soon be digital only! – VBO FEB – Verbond van Belgische Ondernemingen
Temporary unemployment: the control card will soon be digital only! – VBO FEB – Verbond van Belgische Ondernemingen

From January 1, 2025, all workers will be required to electronically complete their temporary unemployment check card, currently document “C3.2”. The paper control card will disappear, thus allowing an acceleration of the digitalization of unemployment procedures and the achievement of efficiency gains.

The temporary unemployment card is an important element of the unemployment procedure. A necessary tool for establishing the worker’s rights, it also constitutes an essential means of control for the ONEm services. Since 2018, pilot projects have been carried out in order to effectively develop the electronic control card, the “eC3.2”.

Since September 2023, this phase has ended, and the application which allows the use of the card is now open to all temporarily unemployed people with the agreement of their employer. This possibility is already used by nearly 5,000 companies and 30,000 workers by downloading the “eC3.2” application in the Google or Apple app store or by computer via the Social Security portal.

Au 1is January 2025, the paper form disappears and the “eC3.2” application becomes mandatory for everyone. To allow familiarization with this new tool, a transitional period is nevertheless planned until June 30, 2025. During this period, companies (for all its workers) or an individual worker may still ask the ONEm to temporarily continue the use the paper card if they have difficulty using the electronic application.

Essential transition to digital… But let’s go further!

The FEB supports the increasing digitalization of administrative processes in the unemployment insurance sector. This allows the definitive abandonment of the use of paper documents and frees up time and human and financial resources. This development guarantees gains in efficiency and productivity in a context of reducing available budgets.

That being said, the FEB recalls the need to significantly reduce the administrative burden on companies in temporary unemployment schemes (including the scheme for economic reasons). Changes must be made so that an employer can activate temporary unemployment more quickly and certain control mechanisms borne by companies are relaxed.

More generally, it is necessary to drastically reform the system to limit the number of notifications payable by companies to a minimum, relying on technological solutions which make it possible, on the one hand, to reduce the number of notifications payable to a minimum. employers and, on the other hand, that all formalities are carried out using homogeneous and modern communication channels.



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