Press headlines for Wednesday June 26, 2024

Press headlines for Wednesday June 26, 2024
Press headlines for Wednesday June 26, 2024


• Digital technology is thriving, but its carbon impact is not improving according to Arcep and Arcom / The smartphone remains the preferred equipment for the French to access the internet (Strategies, Allo Forfait)

• Press: the Ministry of Culture publishes the detailed assessment of direct and indirect aid allocated in 2023 to all 809 beneficiary titles / In 2023, 809 titles benefited from direct and indirect aid compared to 446 titles in 2022 and 431 titles in 2021 (Press correspondence)

• Arcom, Cnil and DGCCRF join the DSA dance on Thursday / The three regulators of the digital services regulation will sign, on July 27, the agreement which must legally outline their collaboration and their respective responsibilities (Context)

European Union

• Etno responds positively to the consultation on the future of telecoms / The lobby of historical operators supports the European Commission’s idea of ​​bringing more fairness to the value chain, in particular via the dispute resolution mechanism . It also promotes a new approach to regulation of access, from a priori (ex ante) intervention to a posteriori (ex post) intervention via general competition law, and the repeal of the recommendation on the relevant markets / A number of different stakeholders opposed this initiative and BEREC rejected it, saying there was “no evidence of free-riding” (Context, Euractiv)

• Ursula von der Leyen should retain the presidency of the European Commission / The candidacy of the outgoing German president must still be validated at a European summit on Thursday and Friday in Brussels, by gathering a qualified majority of at least 15 countries representing 65 % of the European population / The fate of Thierry Breton, on the other hand, seems more uncertain / The very active and powerful Commissioner for the Internal Market could be a victim of the cohabitation that is coming in France (Bulletin Quotidien, Le Canard Enchainé, AFP)

• “In its annual statistical report, the BIPT once again reports a strong increase in mobile data and notes the acceleration of the deployment of 5G in 2023”: BIPT press release



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