Elon Musk ditches Tesla electric vehicles for futuristic fuel

Elon Musk ditches Tesla electric vehicles for futuristic fuel
Elon Musk ditches Tesla electric vehicles for futuristic fuel

Elon Musk will no longer make electric vehicles Tesla: Model H will use futuristic fuel never before seen

Eccentric tycoon Elon Musk has an unusual tendency to release headlines that leave the world wondering about his next moves. One of them was to call hydrogen “stupidity”, but the new title is even more shocking: no more Tesla electric vehicles, he now wants to bet on a new fuel for his Tesla Model H. This reminds you something ? It’s the same thing that was the subject of rumors for months and even fake news that we debunked at the time.

Farewell to Tesla electric vehicles: Elon Musk has decided to switch to a more futuristic fuel.

In a revelation that shook the auto market, the world’s richest man and Tesla boss Elon Musk could have revealed that the electric car maker would switch to hydrogen-powered automobiles in next four years. The first car to incorporate this new fuel source would be an all-new vehicle in the Tesla lineup, known as the Model H.

The about-face marks a sea change in Musk’s traditionally antagonistic approach and comes after he sharply criticized hydrogen fuel cell technology, which he considered the worst way to store energy . However, difficulties in producing the 4,680 kWh battery on a large scale, competition from a Chinese automaker, BYD, and other problems appear to have put pressure on Musk.

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The first hydrogen-powered Tesla is expected to emerge in the form of the Tesla Model H in 2026, based on recent developments in car manufacturing. This strategic step would constitute a radical change in the development of new technologies in the field of vehicle production and indicates Tesla’s desire to fully enter the mass market.

Tesla Model H in 2026: it was a joke at first, but the tycoon took it seriously

The next Model H would feature a different, mid-mounted powertrain, six electric motors, a front-to-rear floor diffuser, and front air vents with hidden integrated louvers to airflow control. These technical innovations are supposed to help achieve this type of impressive performance:

  • Acceleration from 0 to 60 MPH in just 1.2 seconds.
  • Range of 450 kilometers (280 miles) on a single charge.

Integrating hydrogen fuel cells into the Model H allows Tesla to adapt to the realities of manufacturing the 4,680 kWh battery. So, with the help of hydrogen research, the company intends to overcome some of the disadvantages of batteries used in electric vehicles, namely long charging time and high investment costs.

The hydrogen Tesla has not been confirmed, but Elon Musk could be considering this “secret” project

The proposed use of hydrogen fuel cells in the Model H is an interesting way to address the problems Tesla faced when it aimed to create a 4,680 kWh battery in mass production. Thus, the announcement of the use of hydrogen aims to overcome some of the problems electric vehicles face with their batteries, notably time-consuming and expensive charging systems.

Musk’s change in rhetoric represents a complete and unexpected turnaround, especially for someone who has always opposed the use of hydrogen fuel cell technology. This change in attitude may be thought to stem from the CEO’s flexibility in accepting new strategies in the increasingly competitive automobile market.

The SUV that propelled Hyundai to stardom in Europe is celebrating, and its hybrid technology is no stranger to this success.

As you can see, Elon Musk’s commitment to diversifying his fuels responds to a clear intention: he has stopped betting everything on electricity, given the obstacles that this fuel encounters in its development. However, it will still be a while before we see a hydrogen Tesla, even with the Tesla Model H on the horizon (yes, the letter comes from the fuel it plans to use, as has been confirmed) . Anyway, we will see what their next (and unexpected) initiatives will be.



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