5 reasons to choose the KEDGE Business School Bachelor’s degree

5 reasons to choose the KEDGE Business School Bachelor’s degree
5 reasons to choose the KEDGE Business School Bachelor’s degree

While the additional phase of Parcoursup began on June 11, and will end on September 12, there is still a chance for candidates to join KEDGE Bachelor at the start of the next school year.

Bac+3 generalist approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and delivering the degree of license, the Bachelor in management from KEDGE allows you to acquire the fundamentals of management, to live 6 months internationally and to benefit real professional experience.

Very good dynamics in the rankings

The program continues its rise in the various rankings: after having gained 6 places and entered the TOP 10 of the Le Figaro Etudiant 2024 Bachelors Ranking in January 2024, the program has just risen to 6th place in the Parisien Etudiant Bachelors ranking released last March. With a gain of 3 places compared to last year’s ranking, KEDGE Bachelor marks the 2nd best progression of the schools in the top 10.

To develop these rankings, different criteria were taken into account, such as labels, grades and accreditations justifying the quality of the program. Indeed, the KEDGE Bachelor is registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications.

A presence on all KEDGE permanent and associated campuses

The program is delivered on all of KEDGE’s permanent campuses, Bordeaux, Marseille, Toulon, Paris, the associated campuses of Avignon, Bastia, Bayonne, Mont-de-Marsan and internationally, on the Dakar campus.

“This territorial network allows our students from regions further from major cities to access a quality program, without traveling far from their home and without generating accommodation costs”continues Isabelle Jehan.

A professionalizing course

The KEDGE Bachelor’s pedagogy is based on “Learning by doing”, an active method which allows you to learn to do and succeed by doing. This teaching focuses on carrying out projects, alone or in a group, allowing you to acquire useful skills for professional life, project management, team management, budget management, etc.

Furthermore, the work-study program in the 3rd year allows you to acquire significant field experience: easier and faster professional integration, experimentation with concrete cases linked to the challenges of the business world and discovery of professions. It also gives the possibility of exemption from tuition fees and the receipt of a monthly salary.

Internships also allow you to gain concrete professional experience. Students must complete two of 4 to 6 months, i.e. a cumulative period of 18 months of business experience, during the 3 years of study.

Finally, the program also offers application assistance with the creation of the KEDGE CV platform. It allows you to create or improve your CVs and cover letters, use content suggestion by AI, request proofreading and track your applications.

Boosted employability

During the program, thanks to a dedicated service and the Be-U personal and professional development system, the student improves their self-knowledge to interact more effectively with others and increase their employability. The entire course, designed with the help of recognized companies, stimulates the acquisition of analytical, synthesis, communication and open-minded skills for good professional integration.

“Six months after obtaining their diploma, 92% of students who choose to enter the world of work are in employment. Their salaries are on average between €33,000 and €38,000 per year”adds the program director.

Many possibilities for specialization

Called “3+2 inside”, a continuum of specialization from the Bachelor to the offer of specialized KEDGE programs (Masters of Science and Specialized Masters) is put in place to encourage the pursuit of studies.

In total, 20 specializations are available on the 7 campuses, including banking and finance, management and negotiation strategies (French and English), marketing (French and English), supply chain, wine business and sustainability (English), International business (English), start-ups, intrapreneurship and business transfer, international transport, international trade and logistics, sports marketing and communication, digital strategy, sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation in start-up mode…



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