Highly anticipated new train cars

Highly anticipated new train cars
Highly anticipated new train cars

Exo presented its new train cars on Friday.

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Six of them will be in service as of June 25 on line 12 – Saint-Jérôme, while the other 38 will be gradually integrated into the network over the coming months.

Our journalist was able to visit one of these wagons which contain 147 seats each, spread over two floors.

The cars are air-conditioned and heated; they contain vinyl seats, electrical and USB sockets as well as bicycle racks.

These were designed by a Chinese company, but are made with 30% Canadian materials.

The cost of building the 44 cars is $204 million.

The entry into service of these cars, initially planned for 2019, has been delayed three times in recent years. First, Exo had to ask the manufacturer to increase the quantity of Canadian materials, at the request of the Quebec government.

Then the pandemic forced the closure of the factory where the wagons were manufactured, which slowed down their design.

Finally, field tests were carried out by Exo to ensure the cars were durable enough for the Quebec climate.

To see the full explanations, watch the video above.



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