an overall surplus of MAD 7.4 billion at the end of May –

CThe result takes into account a positive balance of 1.01 billion dirhams generated by the special accounts and the ancillary budgets, specifies the TGR in its recent Monthly Bulletin of Local Finance Statistics (BMSFL), noting that this overall surplus is intended to cover expenses incurred and to be paid during the year 2024.

The ancillary budgets and special accounts managed by local authorities generated positive balances of 1 million dirhams (MDH) and 1.009 billion dirhams respectively compared to a zero balance for the ancillary budgets and a positive balance of 475 million dirhams for special accounts at the end of May 2023.

The surplus generated by the budgets of local authorities at the end of May 2024, to which is added the borrowing revenue of 514 billion dirhams, allowed the repayment of the principal of the debt for 1.37 billion dirhams and the reconstitution of surpluses for 6.5 billion dirhams. MMDH.

As for the ordinary revenues of local authorities, they stood at MAD 19.7 billion, an increase of 17.3% compared to the end of May 2023. This is explained by the 13.7% increase in transferred revenues, 46.9% of revenues managed by the State and 9.8% of revenues managed by local authorities.

Over the same period, the overall expenditure made by local authorities (ordinary expenditure, investment expenditure and repayment of the principal of the debt) stood at 14.7 billion dirhams, down 3.9% compared to their level. at the end of May 2023. They consist of 68.3% of ordinary expenses.

Likewise, the overall surpluses generated by the budgets of local authorities were 58.1 billion dirhams. They include surpluses from previous years and that of 2024 (7.4 billion dirhams).

These surpluses are intended to cover planned and committed or scheduled expenses for previous years and not paid as well as expenses incurred in 2024 and not paid. The remainder constitutes available cash intended for payment of required expenses (salaries, water and electricity, rent, debt interest, delegated management, etc.).

Municipalities account for 55.7% of the overall surplus of local authorities.

(With MAP)



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