Rise of artificial intelligence

Rise of artificial intelligence
Rise of artificial intelligence

2 years ago, no one was talking about chatbots. Today, ChatGPT is on everyone’s lips and all the American technology giants are developing their own version of a chatbot.

Currently, it is already possible to request financial recommendations from this robot. There are some glaring errors in the answers provided, but overall, the majority of the information is truthful, fairly relevant and well formulated. It is a safe bet that in a few years, the quality of information will improve exponentially. In the wake of all this shocking information, how do you plan to continue to be able to provide value to your customers and ensure they maintain their loyalty?

For practice purposes, we had fun asking this question directly to our future competition, ChatGPT. What emerged was breathtakingly relevant! Here, in summary and in our words, are the strong points of his response.

In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) plays an increasing role in financial services, it is crucial for professionals in these sectors to identify how they can deliver unique added value to clients. Here are five key strategies to achieve this:

  • Personalized and human advice: AI excels at analyzing data and making recommendations based on patterns. However, it may lack nuance and have difficulty adapting to the client’s unique context. The advice is therefore mostly generic. By listening to your customer and offering personalized, empathetic advice, you can respond to your customers’ emotional and specific needs, using AI as a tool to support your recommendations.
  • Education and transparency: Many customers find financial technology complex and intimidating. You can therefore build a lasting relationship of trust by simplifying financial concepts, educating your clients on the implications of financial decisions and ensuring full transparency on the processes involved.
  • Continuous innovation: AI is evolving rapidly, and those working in financial services need to stay up to date as well. By integrating the latest innovative technologies that simplify your daily work and improve your operational efficiency, you have more time to focus on tasks that truly add value to your practice.
  • Risk management and security: AI can help identify potential financial risks, but clients also value human expertise to interpret this information and recommend risk management strategies tailored to their specific needs and ensure their portfolios are well aligned with their cycles. of life. Also make sure you put security and data protection at the heart of your services.
  • Outstanding Customer Service: AI can automate many tasks, but customers still value responsive, personalized customer service. Being available to answer questions, being proactive, resolving issues quickly and providing ongoing support can make all the difference.

In conclusion, although AI is transforming the financial services landscape, it is essential to recognize that human expertise and customer relationships remain irreplaceable elements to deliver significant added value. By integrating these aspects into your services, you can continue to effectively meet the diverse needs of your customers while leveraging the benefits of these systems. You must therefore be able to position AI as an ally in your operational efficiency and not an enemy that will cause you to lose customers.

Little advice: you take the time to educate yourself and stay up to date with new developments in your sector of expertise, because this is a professional obligation when it comes to continuing education units. So, also take the time to educate yourself on new technologies and the integration of artificial intelligence into your practice. This will allow you to have relevant and proactive conversations with your customers.

By Daniel Harissa, ARSF Board Member



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