After three years of experimentation, the European Community of Alsace (CEA) draws up a positive assessment of the reform of the RSA under activity conditions. But the measure, soon generalized across French territory, still does not convince the rebellious deputy for Bas-Rhin, Emmanuel Fernandes.
The European community of Alsace draws up a first positive assessment of the RSA conditionally, three years after the start of the experiment in Haut-Rhin and Bas-Rhin.
The measure, which provides for the obligation to justify 15 hours of weekly activity for RSA recipientsallowed, according to the CEA, the return to employment of 7,000 people (out of some 40,000 benefit recipient households in Alsace).
“It's not nothing, concedes Emmanuel Fernandes, even if behind these figures there is also a national trend over the last three years”. The rebellious deputy from Bas-Rhin recognizes the positive side of the reform, which focuses on better support for people far from employment, but denounces the way in which it is implemented.
“We must not force people who receive this minimum subsistence income to volunteer. 15 hours of work per week is forced labor,” believes the MP, even if the “Full Employment Law” makes it clear that there cannot be voluntary work, but hours spent getting support, carrying out administrative procedures or getting a driving license.
“The RSA is a minimum income to survive”
“This measure suggests that RSA recipients are people who benefit from a windfall to stay at home doing nothing, exclaims Emmanuel Fernandes*, “that's not what it's about, nor is it an unemployment benefit but a minimum income to survive.”
The amount of the RSA depends on your personal situation today around 600 euros per month for a single person.