This aid could reduce your energy bills, drastically reducing your expenses to regain purchasing power

This aid could reduce your energy bills, drastically reducing your expenses to regain purchasing power
This aid could reduce your energy bills, drastically reducing your expenses to regain purchasing power

Discover the little-known aids that will reduce your bills!

Faced with growing energy poverty, innovative solutions are emerging to help low-income households reduce their electricity and gas bills. On this day dedicated to the fight against fuel poverty, it is crucial to highlight the little-known measures that offer real support to families in difficulty. While energy prices are soaring, this aid can make the difference for many French households.

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Fight against energy poverty

Energy poverty affects more and more households in , a problem often exacerbated by poorly insulated housing and limited financial resources. In 2022, this situation affected 3.2 million households. The rise Continuing energy prices only aggravate this phenomenon, pushing households to extremes to limit their consumption and avoid large bills.

The role of associations

Associations such as the Abbé Pierre Foundation or Habitat and Humanism play a crucial role in the fight against this scourge. They offer home visits to diagnose and reduce energy consumption and offer assistance with energy renovation work or payment of bills.

Give energy

An original initiative is emerging: the gift of energy. Individuals equipped with photovoltaic panels choose to donate unused energy to those in difficulty. This generosity is coordinated by associations which also organize the installation of solar kits at reduced or no costs for precarious households.

Subsidies for energy renovation

The State, via schemes such as MaPrimeRenov' or Energy Savings Certificates (CEE), subsidizes up to 90% of costs for major energy renovations. This aid is essential to improve the insulation of homes and significantly reduce household energy costs.

Help for energy bills

Mechanisms such as payment schedules, aid from the Municipal Social Action Center (CCAS), or the housing solidarity fund (FSL) support households unable to pay their energy bills. These devices are crucial to preventing outages and maintaining access to energy for all.

The energy check

The energy check, although better known, is often considered insufficient. Granted on a means-tested basis to more than 5 million households, its average amount of 149 euros is far from covering real needs, especially with recent price increases.

Mobilization for the revaluation of aid

Social actors, including consumer associations, are campaigning for a significant increase in the energy checke and better accessibility to available aid. They also warn of the risks of increased non-recourse due to the changes proposed in the finance bill.

Save €100 on your property tax like millions of French people: Find out if you are eligible

This article explores the various aids available to combat fuel poverty in France. As the energy cost crisis intensifies, these schemes provide vital support to the most affected households, contributing to more sustainable and equitable energy management in the country.



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