France/Elections: Battle of programs around the economy, the RN accused of “denial” – 06/18/2024 at 12:27

France/Elections: Battle of programs around the economy, the RN accused of “denial” – 06/18/2024 at 12:27
France/Elections: Battle of programs around the economy, the RN accused of “denial” – 06/18/2024 at 12:27

The president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella

The campaign for the legislative elections focused on Tuesday around the economic program unveiled by the National Rally (RN) which delayed certain promised measures, provoking accusations of “denial” in the presidential camp.

In an interview with Le Parisien, the president of the RN, Jordan Bardella, revealed several major measures including the reduction of VAT on energy and fuel from 20% to 5.5% which he intends to implement as soon as it is taken. of office as Prime Minister.

On the other hand, the promised VAT reduction on essential products will take place “in a second phase” and the repeal of the pension reform – the flagship measure of the RN program – is postponed until the fall.

“All the measures that were presented during the European campaign (of Jordan Bardella’s party) have disappeared,” tackled the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, on TF1 on Tuesday. “It is no longer the National Rally, it is national denial.”

“What is left for purchasing power in the National Rally program? Nothing!” continued the minister, defending for his part the promises of a tax-free bonus of up to 10,000 euros for people who work, the maintenance of exemption from overtime or even reduction of charges so that the net salary is higher.

“We have seen for several days, with regard to Jordan Bardella, that there is less and less of a program and more and more conditions,” noted for his part on franceinfo the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, who leads the legislative campaign for the presidential camp.

“Every day, we see a denial of a proposal,” he continued, denouncing a “great vagueness” on the financing of the RN’s economic program.


“When today people who accuse all the deficits, public deficit, record trade deficit, 1,000 billion in debt since Emmanuel Macron came to power in an additional way, and who come today to reproach us for a measure which costs 12 billion euros – sorry, but no patent of incompetence”, retorted Tuesday on Europe 1/CNews Jordan Bardella, referring to the measure to reduce VAT on energy.

The president of the RN ensures that he is studying “extremely serious avenues for savings”, in particular by removing tax loopholes granted to large companies, such as those on shipowners, by limiting free health care for foreigners in an irregular situation and by lowering the France’s contribution to the European Union budget.

Faced with the postponement of certain campaign promises, Jordan Bardella assumes delay in carrying out an “audit” of the public accounts.

“I want to restore budgetary reason in the public accounts. And before promising anything and everything, I tell the French we are going to take stock of the State accounts (…) and we arbitrate according to .”

“There is a first phase which will be my time for emergencies, the time for audit, purchasing power, security and immigration. And from the fall, I will engage with my majority time for reforms,” he said.

Jordan Bardella also defended his refusal to become Prime Minister in the event of a relative majority in the National Assembly. “To act, I will need to be in a situation of absolute majority,” he pleaded.

“It’s starting to look like a refusal of an obstacle,” retorted Gabriel Attal.

(Written by Blandine Hénault)



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