FormaVerse launches its campus in 3D, a first in France for a 100% online school

FormaVerse launches its campus in 3D, a first in France for a 100% online school
FormaVerse launches its campus in 3D, a first in France for a 100% online school

In a world where digitalization is radically transforming all sectors, education is not immune to this revolution. FormaVerse, the first 100% online school integrated into the metaverse, is positioned at the forefront of this transformation by offering an immersive and accessible learning experience. This ambitious project not only follows the trend of online education; he redefines it.

Evolution of the educational market and positioning of FormaVerse

The online education industry is experiencing exponential growth, boosted in particular by the COVID-19 crisis which has accelerated the need for flexible and distance learning solutions. The global EdTech market is estimated at $325 billion, with France alone representing 700 million euros of this sector. Companies such as Kartable, 360learning, and Appscho exemplify this dynamic, each offering innovations such as learning platforms, LMS, and MOOCs.

Faced with this evolution, FormaVerse stands out for its unique offer: a 3D virtual campus which promises not only universal accessibility but also an immersion which far surpasses traditional distance education frameworks. This initiative aims to democratize access to education by eliminating geographic and physical barriers, while enriching the educational experience with a community and interactive dimension.

Educational innovation in the era of the metaverse

The FormaVerse virtual campus is not just a learning space; it is a community where students from diverse backgrounds can interact in a three-dimensional environment. This approach promotes better memorization and understanding of content, thanks to teaching techniques that exploit the cognitive advantages of immersive environments. In addition, this type of training makes it easy to integrate real-time evaluation and monitoring tools, which improves the quality of teaching and interactions between students and trainers.

Accessibility is another pillar of FormaVerse’s value proposition. The virtual campus can theoretically accommodate an unlimited number of students, making it uniquely suited to meet today’s challenges in global education. This model also makes it possible to significantly reduce the carbon footprint associated with traditional educational infrastructures.

Environmental impact and social responsibility

FormaVerse is also committed to a sustainable development and social responsibility approach. Their virtual infrastructure significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to a traditional physical campus. Studies show that increasing use of metaverses could reduce global surface temperature and greenhouse gas emissions significantly by the end of the century.

Furthermore, FormaVerse does not just offer an educational platform; the institution is also engaged in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiatives, intervening directly in schools to promote professional integration and the use of new technologies.

Programs and training offered

The flagship course currently in recruitment is the BTS Negotiation and Digitalization of Customer Relations (NDRC), which prepares students for the demands of the modern job market by combining theory and practical experience. In addition to this BTS, FormaVerse plans to launch several other programs up to the Master’s level, in areas as varied as commerce, payroll management, and human resources.

Future of education and planned development

FormaVerse’s development plan includes an expansion of its educational offering with new diplomas and short training courses aimed at individuals and businesses. By optimizing student engagement and efficiency, FormaVerse hopes to increase academic success rates and effectively meet continuing education needs.

FormaVerse doesn’t just follow the trend; the institution reinvents education by exploiting the potential of the metaverse. This innovative approach could well become the new standard in global education, making learning more inclusive, efficient and environmentally friendly. With initiatives like that of FormaVerse, the future of education seems promising and resolutely focused on innovation and social responsibility.



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