This major supermarket brand is changing its name: what does that change for you?

In the current economic situation, certain major players in the mass distribution have failed to adapt to market developments. At the moment, one of them is also the object of all the desires of his competitors. Some of the outlets of this big brand have already been bought out, thus seeing their name changed. However, beyond the financial aspect which plays out behind the scenes between the different groups of investors, what are the concrete consequences for the end consumer?

Nothing is forever. Faced with a heavy debt
accumulated in recent years and now under the control of the businessman Daniel Kretinskythe Casino brand has sold its largest points of sale to various competitors such as Auchan,
Intermarché Or Crossroads. Repurchases which have consequences both on staff and on customer habits.

Casino becomes Auchan: what changes does this takeover mean for consumers?

The name and the decor change, but not only that. On TF1, the 20H newspaper broadcast a report showing a concrete example of this change. In this one, the journalists followed the second life of a store Pessac Casinoin Gironde, passed under the aegis of Auchan. We were down in activity, now we are starting again on a different engine with a level of
attractive price »
explains the hypermarket director.

Loyal customers of the old brand are therefore returning to their store and their habits, nevertheless with a noticeable difference. “We saw a change in prices, but on the good side, even if it was only for fruits and vegetables, it’s significantly cheaper », testifies one of the customers interviewed. In fact, Auchan ensures 15% price drop on average on the same products as before, throughout the year.

photo credit: Shutterstock
The Auchan brand has bought numerous Casino stores in serious financial difficulty. The buyer promises lower prices to former customers.

Auchan displays a significant price drop to remain attractive in the face of competition

The new owner retained the main mistake of his predecessor. At the time, the Casino group had not followed the price reductions engaged in the mass distribution sector. A strategic shift vital completely missed by the brand. The result was a drop in attendance and consequently, a drastic reduction in turnover.

Despite Casino’s efforts to rectify the situation, the damage had already been done and according to some, the price reduction carried out was not sufficient to compete with other brands. A critical situation which had led to a net loss of 5.7 billion euros in 2023 and a significant risk of putting thousands of employees out of work.

This change of brand also impacts former Casino employees

Fortunately, for 150 employees of the former Pessac Casino, this scenario is now ruled out. However, like customers, this change of brand also has consequences for employees. We will indeed have to relearn how to work according to the codes desired by their
new bosswhich recently had a very

bad experience with one of its cashiers

photo credit: Shutterstock Former Casino employees must adapt to Auchan’s new requirements.

“There are apprehensions, because in 8 days, we had to memorize as many things as possible”confides a
Department manager with a 30-year career at Casino. The latter still remains perplexed by the training “Auchan Touch” received, destined to become a model employee depending on the brand. “ When we have been doing, for as long as I have,
tradethat’s what we’ve always learned,” she suggests.



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