Argueil: record attendance for the open days of the Carma center | The Pathfinder

Argueil: record attendance for the open days of the Carma center | The Pathfinder
Argueil: record attendance for the open days of the Carma center | The Pathfinder


Editorial Gournay-Forges

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 8:40 a.m.

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The Carma center in Argueil (Seine-Maritime) organized its annual open day in order to present the different activities that she suggests. The presentation of the different workshops allowed everyone to explain what they do. The children were looked after by activity leaders on different stands: wooden games, bike rides, inflatable structures, etc.

Record attendance for Carma open days

The opportunity for parents to be able register their children for the vacation and there were many of them.

There are 83 children in day care on the Argueil site and 48 on the Croisy-sur-Andelle site. For the stays offered to the youngest, that of Brionne is full and there are 3 places left for that of Beaufresne.

Melanie Paris

It underlines the investment of each one, theconstant increase in the number of members half of whom are adults, creating a multigenerational place desired by management for many years.

Director Isabelle Tranchard-Bouznif took the floor to thank the speakers and facilitators who enable the success of the structure. She took advantage of this intervention to present the new arrivals for the school year : a bi-monthly workshop on first aid and another which will offer relaxation courses. She hopes to also be able to offer a stay for seniors for the month of September.

Since September the young people have worked on a European country with a historical link with Normandy.

Paul, responsible for the stay project for adolescents from the youth project

To carry out this work, adolescents should go to Polandvisit concentration camps, learn the history and discover Krakow. To do this, they have put together financing files and participate in numerous operations to raise funds: car washes, pancake sales, etc.

Not enough to finance the departure of these 20 young people for the moment, despite financial participation from families. The association is therefore calling for ideas for action to enable children to continue this work of memory.

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Other funding would be welcome, we are not yet sure that this project can go through to the end.

Paul, responsible for the stay project for adolescents from the youth project

The director underlines the fact that the association functions mainly through calls for projects and invites those present to indicate if they have proposals that could help the structure. The Forges-les-Eaux agricultural credit signed a check for €2,000 in order to finance hardware.

The day continued with an aperitif made by the young people then a mussels and fries evening.

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