Income taxes: why will 4 million French households receive a tax payment soon?

Income taxes: why will 4 million French households receive a tax payment soon?
Income taxes: why will 4 million French households receive a tax payment soon?

the essential
More than four million households will receive a transfer from the tax authorities during the summer. A payment labeled “ADVANCE CREDIMPOT” on their bank statement, which corresponds to the credit granted by the Tax service, for non-taxable individual employers.

More than 4 million households will receive a sum from the tax authorities during the summer. A measure intended to protect purchasing power and corresponding to the tax credit: a sum subtracted from the amount of tax triggered by certain very specific expenses.

Read also :
Tax credit: instructions for use

In France, 43.8% of tax households paid income tax in 2023, indicates Moneyvox. And for 10% of households, it is even the tax authorities who pay them money, according to the latest report from the DGFiP (General Directorate of Public Finances) published Tuesday. A proportion that has been increasing in recent years.

Payment in two installments

A first payment was made to non-taxable individuals in January, based on the reference tax income declared last year. A second transfer will be made during the summer, based on the tax declaration made in the spring: “The final amount of the reductions and tax credits to which the taxpayer is entitled will be calculated and will be subject to regularization in the summer of 2024 taking into account the amount of the advance paid in January 2024”, summarizes the Ministry of the Economy on its website.

Expenses giving entitlement to a tax credit

Certain expenses may give rise to tax credit rights, recalls Our time. This is particularly the case for donations and personal services: childcare, cleaning, assistance for the elderly or disabled or even small gardening jobs. For these services, the tax advantage granted represents 50% of the costs incurred, up to an annual limit of 12,000 euros. It can be applied in the form of a payment from the tax authorities, or in the form of an immediate advance. For the second case, you must first use the simplified declaration service “CESU +”.

This second payment, however, does not concern all tax households eligible for the tax credit. If in January, certain taxpayers received an amount greater than the credit to which they are entitled, they will be forced to repay.



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