Benin: “death” of an “eye” witness to the slave trade

Benin: “death” of an “eye” witness to the slave trade
Benin: “death” of an “eye” witness to the slave trade

A giant tree in Benin, famous for having witnessed the slave trade, collapsed earlier this month after a storm, raising questions and suspicions among residents.

On the night of June 2 to 3, 2024, a huge storm brought down “the auction tree” of Ouidah, where the price of prisoners was discussed before they were shipped to the American continent between the 17th and 19th centuries.

This tree was one of the stages of their circuit before departure, just like another, “the tree of oblivion”which the slaves had to go around several times to forget their origins.

In addition to its history linked to the slave trade, Ouidah, a port located about forty km from the capital Cotonou, is also the heart of the voodoo religion in Benin.

For Oscar Kptenon, a dignitary of the voodoo cult and also a tourist guide, the fall of this highly symbolic tree is not normal.

“We need explanations”he says. “This tree has suffered many storms but has never given way, there is something fishy under the rock”he believes.

The city is promoted by the government as a leading tourist site, particularly among descendants of slaves, and several commemorative monuments to the slave trade dot it.

A baptized ark, the “Door of No Return”was erected in memory of those who, from the beach of Ouidah, were embarked for the New World.

“We have just lost an emblematic symbol, a living witness to the entire history of the slave trade has just given way before our eyes”underlines for his part Tognon Adjovi, resident of Ouidah.

“This is no ordinary fall. The tree literally split in two.”one of the city’s dignitaries confided to AFP under anonymity, saying he wanted to “all the light” above and without further details.

For Mathias Kpehounton, a 56-year-old retired banker, it is “normal for a tree of this age to eventually give in to heavy rain”.

Emilien Adjovi, a 38-year-old hotel employee, sees this fall as the consequence of ” neglect “ local and government authorities, guilty according to him of “lack of maintenance and attention” towards the tree.

Since the fall of the tree, access to the auction site has been prohibited.

With AFP

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