Digital security: 10 tips to effectively protect your personal data

Digital security: 10 tips to effectively protect your personal data
Digital security: 10 tips to effectively protect your personal data

According to a study by the University of Maryland in 2023, a cyberattack occurs every 39 seconds worldwide. Enough to give anyone goosebumps! To avoid panic and sleep peacefully, it is important to be vigilant and apply some essential cybersecurity rules.

1. Use a reliable antivirus

Using a reliable antivirus is the essential first step to securing your computer. A good antivirus will protect you against viruses, malware, Trojans and other threats which could compromise the security of your data.

Preferably choose a reputable antivirus, regularly updated, which offers real-time protection and advanced features such as suspicious behavior detection. Also remember to enable automatic updates to benefit from the latest virus definitions.

You can even go further by choosing instead a security suite like Norton 360 Advanced. Very complete, it integrates an antivirus, an intelligent firewall, a VPN, a webcam monitoring tool, a module for detecting personal data in the Dark Web, a password manager and many other tools.

Moreover, from June 6 to 25, 2024, the first year of Norton 360 Advanced subscription is priced at €29.99 instead of €134.99, i.e. 77% savings. If you need a powerful security suite at a low price, now is the time to subscribe.

2: Use a VPN to secure your connection

When you browse the internet, your browsing data, your connection identifiers and your sensitive information pass through your internet connection. If this is not secure, this data can be intercepted by malicious third parties.

Using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is an excellent solution to protect your internet connection and encrypt your data. VPN creates a secure tunnel between your device and the VPN provider’s server, making your online activities invisible to hackers.

Choose a reputable VPN provider or take advantage of one integrated into your security suite, which offers servers in multiple countries and strong encryption protocols. Enable VPN whenever you connect to a public WiFi network, such as in a cafe or airport, to keep your data private.

3: Use a password manager

Passwords are the first line of defense in securing your online accounts. Unfortunately, many people use weak passwords that are reused across accounts, making them easy to discover.

To strengthen the security of your logins, we recommend using a password manager. This will allow you to generate and securely store complex and unique passwords for each of your accounts.

4: Make regular backups of your data

It is essential to set up a regular backup system to protect your important informationthus avoiding having to pay to recover them if you are the victim of ransomware for example.

For example, you can use a secure online storage service, such as a private cloud or online backup service, to automatically back up your files. You can also opt for local backup solutions, such as external hard drives or USB sticks.

Make sure you back up your data regularly, ideally daily or weekly. This will allow you to quickly recover your information in the event of hardware failure, virus corruption, or any other incident affecting your devices.

5: Beware of phishing and suspicious sites

Phishing is a malicious technique used by cybercriminals to steal your personal information, such as your login credentials or banking details. These attacks often come in the form of fake emails, social media posts, fraudulent websites, and text messages with suspicious links.

So be extremely vigilant when you receive a message or link from an unknown Source. Always verify the sender, message content, and website URL before interacting. If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact the organization or company concerned directly to confirm the legitimacy of the request.

Likewise, avoid clicking on links or opening attachments from suspicious sources, as they could contain malware. Be careful of websites that don’t have a valid security certificate or that ask you for sensitive information for no apparent reason.

6: Use encrypted folders and communication tools with end-to-end encryption

Encryption is an essential technique for securing your personal and professional data. It involves transforming your information into an indecipherable code, thus preventing unauthorized access.

For example, you can encrypt your most sensitive files, such as confidential documents, personal photos or financial information. Many encryption tools exist, such as VeraCrypt, or the encryption features integrated into your Windows operating system: BitLocker.

Also make sure that online communications you send, like emails or instant messages, are end-to-end encrypted. This will allow you to preserve the confidentiality of your exchanges, even if they are intercepted.

7: Pay attention to your use of social networks

Social networks have become essential in our daily lives, but they also represent a potential risk for the protection of our personal data. Indeed, the information you share on these platforms can be exploited by cybercriminals.

So be careful about what you post online and limit the sharing of sensitive information as much as possible, such as your address, phone number or details about your private life. Additionally, adjust the privacy settings of your accounts to control who can access your posts..

Moreover, be wary of links and applications offered on social networks, because they can be used to spread malware. Always check the reliability of the Source before interacting.

8: Monitor your online activity

Keeping a close eye on your online activity is essential to quickly detect any suspicious behavior or attempts to gain unauthorized access to your accounts.. Create profiles for your browser based on your digital activities, don’t neglect security alerts on your bank accounts, Google or Meta accounts.

Check your bank account and credit card statements regularly to spot any suspicious transactions. Likewise, check the connections to your various online accounts, such as your email or social networks, to make sure they really come from you.

You can also use online monitoring tools, like browser extensions or security apps, to be alerted of abnormal activity on your accounts. This will allow you to respond quickly and prevent any potential damage.

9: Carry out regular cleaning and maintenance operations

Keeping your devices and operating system up to date is essential to maintaining optimal security. Regular updates make it possible to correct known security vulnerabilities and strengthen the protection of your data.

Do not hesitate to perform in-depth cleaning of your devices, such as deleting temporary files, defragmenting the hard drive or checking the registry of your operating system, notably with Ccleaner. This will help improve the performance of your devices and reduce the risk of vulnerabilities.

Also remember to regularly remove unnecessary applications and extensions from your devices, as they can represent entry points for cybercriminals.

10: Secure your wifi and online transactions

Configure your wifi router with a strong password and enable encryption of your communications, preferably with the WPA2 or WPA3 protocol. Also remember to regularly update your router’s firmware to benefit from the latest security updates.

When you carry out online transactions, such as internet shopping or banking, make sure the website uses HTTPS, which encrypts your data. Also avoid using public payment terminals, which can be hacked, and prefer secure payments via your smartphone or personal computer.



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