ACAPS unveils its 2024-26 strategic plan

ACAPS unveils its 2024-26 strategic plan
ACAPS unveils its 2024-26 strategic plan

The Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority (ACAPS) has made public its third three-year strategic plan for the period 2024-2026. Fruit of an approach “ proactive and participatory“As highlighted in the ACAPS press release, this plan is the result of collective reflection and expresses the strategic vision of ACAPS as an innovative and proactive authority in a constantly changing environment.

In this context, this strategic plan is based on the main missions of ACAPS, capitalizing on significant achievements as a regulator of two strategic sectors, while taking into account current challenges linked to both technological and socio-economic transformations.

With this in mind, the new ACAPS strategic plan is based on five strategic orientations, broken down into several objectives and priority actions.

To this end, the Authority specifies in a press release, received by: Hespress FRthat it will continue to work actively to improve the protection of policyholders and contract beneficiaries as well as members and affiliates of social security organizations.

It is also committed to developing the organization and market conduct of the insurance sector and to ensuring the resilience of players as well as financial stability.

Furthermore, ACAPS is strongly committed to supporting sustainability and promoting the development and transformation of the insurance sector, notably through the promotion of digitalization and innovation.

Furthermore, in the current context marked by the major royal project for the generalization of social protection, the Authority announces that it will continue its support for public authorities in upgrading the social security sector. In this capacity, she will notably ensure the implementation of the expansion of social protection and retirement reform.

Finally, ACAPS will maintain its efforts in terms of innovation with a view to consolidating its position as an agile authority, fully integrated into the digital era and open to its environment, both national and international.

Orientations and objectives of the ACAPS 2024-2026 strategic plan

Viewed by Hespress FRthe ACAPS 2024-2026 strategic plan highlights five main directions, each broken down into specific objectives.

Orientation number 1 aims to improve the protection of policyholders and contract beneficiaries as well as members and affiliates of social security organizations, with the objectives of strengthening certain rights and improving the quality of service for the benefit of policyholders, of contract beneficiaries, members and affiliates, to promote good practices in the insurance and social security sectors, to continue contributing to the financial inclusion roadmap, as well as the development of education financial information of the general public and raising awareness among those subject to it.

Orientation number 2 aims to develop the organization and market conduct of the insurance sector and to ensure the resilience of players as well as financial stability. Its objectives are to improve the supervision of the conduct of the insurance market and the distribution of insurance products, to complete the regulatory adjustments and to consolidate the prudential and macroprudential supervision of the insurance sector, to strengthen the fight against against money laundering and the financing of terrorism (AML & FT), and finally to adapt the supervision of the insurance sector to emerging risks.

Orientation number 3 wants to promote the development and transformation of the insurance sector by promoting digitalization and innovation, and supporting sustainability. Its objectives are to identify development levers for the insurance sector, to contribute to the reduction of coverage gaps and to support the diversification of the insurance offering, to promote and support innovation and digitalization of the insurance sector. insurance, to encourage the sustainability of the insurance sector and promote green finance, and to contribute to the capacity building of actors in the insurance sector.

Orientation number 4 wants to contribute to the upgrading of the social security sector as well as the implementation of projects to expand social protection and retirement reform, with the objectives of supporting the sector of mutuality in the redefinition of its role in the light of the generalization of compulsory basic health insurance and to contribute to its upgrade, to continue supporting the government in the process of generalization of social protection and of retirement reform, and to adapt the supervision of the social security sector.

Finally, Orientation number 5 aims to make the Authority more innovative, agile and attractive, in line with digital developments and open to its national and international environment. Its objectives are to modernize the Authority’s management model and strengthen the attractiveness of human resources, to continue the digital transformation of the Authority and the reengineering of processes, to strengthen cyber resilience, to develop multi-communication targets and promote the image of the Authority, and continue the development of international cooperation.



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