“My neighbor passes through my garden to park his Porsche, I took the best revenge”

Neighborhood problems can ruin life and there are many reasons for discord. This Internet user revealed the unusual dispute between him and his neighbor and the way he took his revenge. It must be said that the latter had gotten into the habit of passing through his garden to park his Porsche. But he got his way.

This Friday, May 31, the 25th edition of Neighbors Day took place. This moment of sharing was born in France in 1999 and is often an opportunity to get to know the inhabitants of your neighborhood better. But conviviality sometimes leaves room for settling of scores, especially when arguments rage all year round. And if noise is one of the nuisance the most frequent, this is not the only subject of tension.

His neighbor was passing through his garden to park his Porsches

In this case, an Internet user recently testified to what made him opposite to his neighbor for several months. He told his story on one of the Reddit forums. It all started when the neighbor of the family home, an elderly lady, died. His house was put up for sale and he’s a first name Richard who acquired the property.

A fan of large cars, the latter is the owner of several Porsches rather old. He took it into his head to park his precious vehicles in his backyard, fearing for the safety of his racing cars. But the terrain of this one presents a particularity. In fact, to reach his garden, he must take a strip of land of approximately 3 meters which separates his house from that of his neighbor and which belongs half to each of the owners.

photo credit: Shutterstock A dispute between neighbors

The famous neighbor did not hesitate to cut down the bushes to pass through his garden

This is how one day the narrator had a funny surprise. He actually surprised his neighbor trying to cut the bushes which lined this alley. “My father and I have it confronted and let him know that it was our bushes that he was cutting down and that we were not happy about it. He didn’t care. He needed to do this so he could put his cars in his backyard. »explained the one who signed his publication anonymously.

Once freed from the bushes, the famous Richard did not not embarrassed to take the alley between the two houses and calmly park your cars in your backyard. But that was without taking into account his neighbor’s desire to see this “encroachment of land” stop. With his father, the two decided to install a fence metallic on their part.

He took his revenge when his neighbor tried to drive his Porsche out of the garden

“Then Dad and I decided we needed to poles metal fence to demarcate the property. We put them 5 inches (Editor’s note: 1.5 meters) from our side of the limit of the property. », began by explaining the narrator. Before adding: “He had left very little space to pass anything, especially his cars. » And what was supposed to happen, happened.

photo credit: Shutterstock A Porsche 912

“When Richard came home, we could hear the screams and swear words for several hours. Then we heard a car start from behind and he managed to get one of his cars out, but not without serious damage on the side, beautiful scratches all along the side of the car. »said the one who was very happy to have taken his revenge.



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