a new setting will revolutionize your bill

a new setting will revolutionize your bill
a new setting will revolutionize your bill

When you take out a subscription with an electricity supplier, the latter systematically asks you to determine the power of your meter (Linky, most of the time). And if you ignore it, a poorly calibrated meter can cause you to lose tens of euros each year. Our colleagues from Capital have unveiled the new generation tool, which will allow you to perfectly understand your needs in terms of meter calibration.

Why is it essential to determine the correct power of your meter?

Ce new generation system was launched on October 8, 2024 by the electricity supplier Octopus Energy, formerly Plum Energy. And it risks changing the electricity budget of many French people. For good reason, a counter poorly calibrated often leads to significant regularization on the annual invoice.

The power of a meter is determined in kilovolt-ampere (kVa). Generally, electricity suppliers offer to define the meter capacity by multiples of 3 (3, 6, 9 or 12 kVa). Yours probably has one of these powers. And on the annual bill, each excess kilovolt-ampere subscribed is charged around 15 euros.

The new generation tool that will transform your annual invoice

Many French incorrectly calibrate their meter because they do not know precisely the needs of the household. While some overpay for kilovolt-amperes, others could save since their consumption is overvalued. Our colleagues believe an average annual saving of 45 euros.

Therefore, the supplier Octopus Energy launched your own tool to allow you to simulate your electricity needs. Appointed Opti’COmteurthis free service will analyze, thanks to your Linky meterthe precise calibration of your meter. Lancelot D’Hauthuille, co-general manager of the company, explains: “If the customer gives his consent, we will analyze his consumption and in particular the maximum power subscribed. We will analyze its consumption during a winter then we will determine the power needed.”

Promising results

According to the first returns, 56% of Linky meters analyzed have already been optimized. Furthermore, in order not to force its subscribers to choose a power of 3, 6, 9 or 12 kVathe precision of Octopus estimates allows holders of subscribe to a power ranging from 1 to 12.

Lancelot d’Hauthuille concludes: “The time of circuit breakers adjusted by screwdriver is over, it is entirely possible to offer such precision. This precision, few suppliers offer it because they have no direct interest in it. This requires establishing more price scales and modifying hard-coded computer systems. Only the customer benefits of this granularity.” You know what you have to do!



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