Why Jordan Bardella’s book is already causing a scandal

Why Jordan Bardella’s book is already causing a scandal
Why Jordan Bardella’s book is already causing a scandal

This is the shock book of the coming weeks. Available from November 9, 2024, the first work by Jordan Bardella, What I’m looking foris already getting a lot of attention. In question, the massive promotional campaign planned by Éditions Fayard. An agreement was reportedly negotiated with Mediatransports, the SNCF advertising agency, for a display system which is to be deployed in 54 RER stations between November 25 and November 1.is December, then in 13 Parisian stations and 43 provincial stations, from December 11 to 17. A highlight that sparks an outcry. “ The federation demands that Gares et Connexions, via its advertising agency, refuse this poster campaign in the service of a far-right political partydeclared the SUD Rail union. At a time when the Council of State has confirmed the extreme right positioning of a party […] created by the Waffen-SS, the federation wishes to call on you to recall the total opposition of the far-right values ​​of this reactionary party to those of our union and, we hope, those of the SNCF. »

Under pressure, the advertising agency which operates advertising spaces for the SNCF has already shown first signs of capitulation. She thus swore not to be aware that the campaign in question aimed to promote books by Jordan Bardella and promised that she would ensure that it complies with its rules by studying all the visuals ” in their entirety, whether images or annotations ». « Stations are public places, so for example there is an obligation of political neutrality which applies », has already warned Alessandra Lafay, communications director of Mediatransports, already seeming to give assurances to the unions.

The media chaos

The indignation is the same, among the left-wing media. “ Vincent Bolloré in his works ”, mocked 20 Minutes. According to the free daily, all the media of the group owned by the Breton entrepreneur were said to have been “ put into service » of the promotion of the head of the “ main far-right party “. Vincent Bolloré would put “ double bites » to promote Jordan Bardella’s book. No more, no less.

To support his words, 20 Minutes refers its readers to the article from a friendly and necessarily recommendable media, Liberation. The latter would have led the investigation within the Fayard house, which passed under the Bolloré flag a few months ago, and ensures that the announcement of the release of Jordan Bardella’s book would have caused a ” quasi-civil wars ». « We are experiencing a disastrous moment », even testified anonymously, an employee, on the verge of evoking the sound of boots and the darkest hours.

But instead of highlighting the intolerance of these employees who refuse to publish a text with which they disagree politically, Liberation prefers to incriminate their management. A name comes up: that of Lise Boëll. The press paints a chilling portrait. She would be the editor who made Éric Zemmour a successful columnist “, a ” regular on CNews sets », and « scarecrow » which assumes a “ identity editorial line »… In short, an enemy of the camp of Good. The project to publish Jordan Bardella’s book would be his work, establishing a little more ” forced bollorization » from the Fayard house.

Indignation with variable geometry

Obviously, the same media do not have this kind of gazelle modesty when left or far left authors manage to be published by major publishing houses. Nor when their productions are massively promoted on the air. We have not heard them express indignation, for example, at the monster promotional campaign from which the books of Julia Cagé, Thomas Piketty or Aurélien Bellanger have benefited, in recent months. We have not seen them denounce, either, the media space granted to Our History of this documentary series of France 2 who proposed to “ deconstruct the national novel “. On the contrary. All the left-wing press gave him a warm welcome. 20 Minutes was, moreover, a partner of this very militant production.

It must be believed that a right-wing book would not be entitled, in principle, to such treatment. Even when its author is the boss of the first party in France.

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