Budget 2025: 24,300 households affected by the exceptional contribution on high incomes: News

Budget 2025: 24,300 households affected by the exceptional contribution on high incomes: News
Budget 2025: 24,300 households affected by the exceptional contribution on high incomes: News

Of the 20 million households paying taxes, only 24,300 would ultimately be affected by the exceptional contribution of the wealthiest households, as reported by BFMTV.

This is one of the flagship measures of the finance bill put on the table by Michel Barnier and his government: the exceptional participation of the wealthiest households, which will have to apply until 2027. This measure provides for an increase in the sums levied on high incomes, targeting households with a tax income of more than 250,000 euros for singles and more than 500,000 euros for couples. This measure should bring in 2 billion euros in 2025 and thus contribute to the recovery of public finances according to AFP in comments relayed by BFMTV.

But then, how many households in will be affected? According to declarations from the Ministry of the Budget, less than 65,000 fall within the scope of the contribution due to their income. However, only 24,300 households “would actually be liable” according to AFP.

24,300 households actually affected

Of the 65,000 households with incomes greater than 250,000 euros for singles and 500,000 euros for couples, only 24,300 would be eligible for this exceptional contribution according to figures from Bercy. The difference is explained by the tax rate of these households. To be subject to this contribution, you must have an income tax rate lower than 20%. This measure, presented as a net to avoid tax optimization, reduces the base of 65,000 households to just over 24,000 households in France.

After 7 years of lower taxes since the election of Emmanuel Macron, this measure represents a use of fiscal leverage to clean up public accounts in difficulty. It will be accompanied by significant cuts in spending, particularly in the public service.

published on October 13 at 12:55 p.m., Arnaud Enjourbault, 6Medias




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