Around seventy layoffs in the CarPostal administration –

Around seventy layoffs in the CarPostal administration –
Around seventy layoffs in the CarPostal administration –

La Poste will cut jobs in its Mobility Services unit. Up to 70 layoffs are planned, mainly in the PostBus administration. In addition, some 200 employees could see their contracts modified (salary, occupancy rate).

These measures announced on Friday will be implemented in 2025 and are part of La Poste’s new 2025-28 global strategy, said the company’s media manager Jonathan Fisch. The objective is to improve the competitiveness of the company and to have “a more efficient administration”, he said.

Staff in PostBus’ transport and control services are not affected by the job cuts, the press release said. There will be no layoffs among drivers, and transport schedules will not be reduced.

The changes to the employment contract which could affect “a maximum of 200 people” also mainly concern the administration. They will relate to the occupancy rate, salaries or changes in tasks.

Especially in Bern

La Poste will carry out the deletions in a manner “as socially responsible as possible”, she assures. Natural fluctuations will also be taken into account, and a social plan is planned. The positions affected are mainly in Bern, but the regions could also be partially affected.

The personnel of the unit concerned were informed by mail. It has the possibility to submit proposals aimed at avoiding redundancies, limiting their number and mitigating their consequences within the framework of the consultation procedure.

Regardless of the new overall strategy, the measures also meet the requirements of sponsors. They must help to reduce the burden on public authorities (Confederation, cantons, municipalities) in regional and local passenger transport.

“Not sufficiently thoughtful” measures

Christian Plüss, head of the Mobility Services group unit and head of PostBus, will oversee the reorganization until the end of January 2025, before handing over as planned. “I am convinced that, with this reorganization, we are setting the strategic milestones that will allow the Post Office to grow in the public transport sector,” he notes in the press release.

Syndicom reacted by considering that the measures are “not sufficiently thought out”. There is a lack of a serious working basis for the consultation, criticizes the union, which threatens to stop the procedure if this gap is not corrected. The organization judges in particular that the impact of the restructuring on the regional structures of PostBus is not clear.




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