Banks looking for qualified graduates for customer relations and IT

Banks looking for qualified graduates for customer relations and IT
Banks looking for qualified graduates for customer relations and IT

How is the job market doing in the banking sector?

Béatrice Layan, Head of the Banking Professions Observatory

The banking sector remains a dynamic sector in its recruitments. In 2023, 44,500 people were hired, including nearly 33,200 on permanent contracts, demonstrating its key role as a major employer.

The banking sector represents 1.7% of theprivate salaried employment In . It is an innovative and committed sector, which offers a wide diversity of professions.

Why did you launch an attractiveness campaign in 2024?

The “Become a banker” campaign introduces students and people in job search and in retraining, the meaning and diversity of professions in the sector. It constitutes an invitation to better understand the 200 professions in the sector from the unexpected angles of relationships, territorial anchoring, tech innovation, entrepreneurship or the construction of a sustainable future.

It is a way of making it known that through their advisory and financing activities, banks and their 355,000 employees participate directly in the realization of projects that change the economy and society, throughout France. If through this discovery of professions, certain people wish to apply, the campaign also responds since the job offers from participating banks are accessible. This campaign is therefore both a attractiveness and recruitment campaign.

We are also working to improve the jinvestislavenir site so that it becomes an essential tool for young people in the orientation phase or who are wondering about their professional future and have strengthened our presence on the salons d’orientation throughout the territory.

The orientation fair not to be missed!

We look forward to meeting you at the Studyrama Training Fair in Banking, Finance, Insurance and Accounting in . A unique opportunity to discover the establishments and to interact with students, educational managers and specialists to ask them all your questions! Don’t miss the unique conferences on this sector with multiple opportunities!

What are the hiring prospects forecast for 2025?

It is too early for us to discuss the outlook for 2025we only collect our numerical data during the first quarter of the year in order to publish them at the end of the first half. However, looking back on recent years, we can reasonably believe that the Bank will remain a significant player in the financial landscape. sectors that are recruiting. Support our clients as best as possible in their projects, continue the ecological and technological transition require recruit new talents.

With this orientation towards the future, the banking sector is positioning itself as a central player in employment and innovation in France.

Which banking professions are recruiting the most?

THE professions that recruit the most are those of the relation clientsince one in two hires concerns customer advisor jobs (individuals, professionals and businesses).

THE IT, data and IT professionsartificial intelligence they also remain at a high level of hiring but they are also those who suffer the most from shortage of candidates. Indeed, in a very competitive market, banking is not the technological sector that hiring candidates think of first. The bank must continue its attractiveness efforts to make known the richness of its professionsnotably its continued commitment to technological and IT developments.

Finally the control and risk professions are the third area, where hiring is the most numerous.

Are you suited to the banking profession? Take our test to find out!

What profiles are banks looking for?

Profiles Bac+5 are always the most wanted : they represent more than 51% of recruitments. However, graduates Bac+2 and Bac+3 are not left out with respectively 17% and 16% of hires. For their part, Bac+2 infras represent 9% of recruitment. This diversity shows interest in varied profiles.

L’alternation also continues to play a central role in the recruitment strategy of banks, with nearly 19,650 work-study students trained in 2023. This path constitutes a real springboard for young employeesdont 85% find a job at the end of their training.

Whether they are young graduates, people retraining or experienced employees, the opportunities are numerous and adapted to a wide range of SKILLS and route.

©Zinkevych and ©French Banking Federation (FBF)



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