HR managers face the challenge of transforming professions and skills

HR managers face the challenge of transforming professions and skills
HR managers face the challenge of transforming professions and skills

According to a study by the PwC and Maghreb firm, some human resources directors struggle to keep up with the evolution of skills and professions. Strengthening the company’s internal training policy and modernizing human resources management tools constitute solutions.

Article reserved for Quotidien de la formation subscribers

By Jonathan Konitz – October 3, 2024.

One of the main lessons from the “augmented HRD” study [[Etude réalisée auprès de 90 DRH issus de 17 secteurs au 1er trimestre 2024.]]from the PwC France and Maghreb firm, can be summed up in one sentence: one in two HR managers feels overwhelmed by the rapid transformation of professions and skills. “On a more positive note, the other half is not! », counterbalances Bouchra Roby, HR Transformation partner at PwC France and Maghreb and in charge of the survey. The reason? An unprecedented acceleration of digital technology (linked in particular to the rise of artificial intelligence), coupled with an uncertain economic context, introducing a transformation…

— Article reserved for Quotidien de la formation subscribers —




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