“I was in a complete state of stress”: his Porsche ends up in the port, he tells how he “escaped the worst”

“I was in a complete state of stress”: his Porsche ends up in the port, he tells how he “escaped the worst”
“I was in a complete state of stress”: his Porsche ends up in the port, he tells how he “escaped the worst”

It was a mishap that could have ended with much more serious consequences.

Friday morning, Fabrice (first name has been changed), goes to the port of Brusc de Six-Fours to take his boat out of the water and take it back to , where he lives for part of the year.

A trivial operation but which requires the help of one of those close to you: “My electric vehicle is not suitable for towing, so I called on a friend who came specially from .”

Despite busy schedules, the two men manage to fit in with the port crane team.

Going fast due to the wind

Everything seems to be going like clockwork. Except that an unexpected element will transform this well-oiled plan into a real adventure.

“So far everything was going well except that the weather got involved and we had to go out, clean the boat on the holds and put it back on the trailer in record time because from 50km/h wind, the crane would not is more accessible.”

Under pressure, the team rushed and in less than two hours the boat was secured. However, the worst is yet to come.

Fabrice gets back into his vehicle parked next to the dock “to collect the material and leave the area clean”. It is at this precise moment that he accidentally engages reverse gear.

“I was in a state of complete stress. The Porsche I had that day has an identical control lever to the model I’ve been driving all week except that it’s placed differently,” he tries to explain.

“It could explode or electrocute me”

The damage is already done: everyone watches helplessly as the car falls into the platform. However, to their great surprise, the vehicle does not sink but floats.

Desperately trying to recover his car and bring it closer to the crane, Fabrice clings to his Porsche before professional firefighters present on site alert him of the danger: “They told me to let go quickly because it could explode or electrocute me.”

The unfortunate man complies and, along with all the people present, sees the car drifting for around thirty minutes. The latter then lands on rocks, allowing the vehicle to appear.

A vehicle still in the port

A car still present in the basin this Sunday since, due to its electricity, the authorities have formally prohibited Fabrice from intervening “as long as the batteries are not completely discharged.”

“When leaving the car, we also have to call on a tugboat specializing in electric car repairs because sea salt and batteries can still catch fire in contact with oxygen.” The vehicle should be picked up by Tuesday.

Looking back, Fabrice knows that this setback could have cost him his life. Also, he would like to thank “the port team, the firefighters and a fisherman. Their professionalism perhaps helped me avoid the worst.”



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