“Is managed management a good option from the age of 50?”

“Is managed management a good option from the age of 50?”

Patricia, a reader of Capital, asks us the following question: “Hello, I am 49 years old, divorced, with two dependent children, and currently not taxable. After various searches, I took out a retirement savings plan (PER) last year, because I had not prepared for my retirement until now. I opted for managed management, but I am not convinced that I made the right choice. What do you think?”

Hello Patricia, and thank you for your question. If you are asking us this, it is probably because you have opted for the so-called “horizon” managed management, which is the option that applies by default to a PER. It consists of giving your insurer the freedom to choose your investments, but with the mission of gradually excluding the riskiest ones (shares, real estate, etc.) as you get closer to retirement. This is so that you do not lose, so close to retirement, a significant part of your capital. Problem: these risky investments are also those that can bring you the most returns.

>> Our service – Compare the performance of retirement savings plans (PER) using our simulator

So, Patricia, you are wondering if your managed PER will perform well enough to provide you with the retirement supplement you want by the time you leave, which is not so far away. To find out if your choice was wise, you should first look at your contract: first of all, “you have to look at its (…)

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