: Arago de Sète still cannot finish work

: Arago de Sète still cannot finish work
Volleyball: Arago de Sète still cannot finish work

► Sète …………….. 2

In Castelnau-le-Lez.
About 250 spectators
Sets detail: 25-17 and 24 ', 25-22 and 28', 29-31 and 42 ', 19-25 and 28', 14-16 and 21 '.
Arbitres: mm. Djadoun et chouman

Sète: 6 aces (from Leon 4), 56 winning attacks (Schlienger 27), 7 against (Schlienger and Gauna 2), 31 direct faults (including 20 missed services).
Starting six: Gelinski (2 points), Schlienger (30), from Leon (12, then Martino Gauchi), Rippert (13, then Elser), Hrysenko (6), Gauna (6). Libero: Lopez

Toulouse : 12 aces (Feral 7), 54 winning attacks (Duflos-Rossi 22), 14 against (Petkov and Duflos-Rossi 3), 43 direct faults (including 30 missed services).
Starting six: Gill (2 Points, Puis Piazzeta), Feral (21), Picard (13), Duflos-Rossi (28), Petkov (8, Puis Nack-Minyem 1), Duthoit (3, Puis Michel 4). Libéro: Santucci



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