The bookstore of this Eure commune begins a new dynamic for 2025

The bookstore of this Eure commune begins a new dynamic for 2025
The bookstore of this Eure commune begins a new dynamic for 2025


Arielle Bossuyt

Published on

Jan 25, 2025 at 12:12 p.m.

After a year 2024 rich in entertainment, marked by the 20th anniversary of the bookstore, the Company of , based in in Eure, is preparing to write a new chapter. “This anniversary year has allowed us to start a new dynamic By offering more workshops and meetings with the authors, ”explains Aude Lemullier, manager of the library For three years.

After having offered a literary world tour in 2024, for this new year, the bookseller chose a new common thread: emotions.

A new showcase every month

Friday, January 17, she presented the program of the year to the faithful readers.

“As for the world tour, we will select 1,000 pounds with care for all the themes and we will make a special showcase each month. »»

Aude Lemullier, manager of the bookstore

Thus, ten emotions will be highlighted this year starting with love in February, on the occasion of the Valentine's Day. The bookstore will organize a writing workshop dedicated to love with the Colors de Plume association. A meeting with a romance author is also planned.

In March, God of war, placed at the anger. “It is also the month of spring of poets and this year, the theme is volcanic. The anger seemed to us the adequate emotion, ”announces Margot, a bookseller to the company of books. On this occasion, the bookstore will invite a poet, Anna Ayanoglou. A day around Hunger Games' work is also planned.

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In April, it is the month of joie And for that, the bookstore will invite Jacky Schwartzmann, author of humorous thrillers.

Suspended garden with children

May, time softens, flowers bud, summer is approaching: it is the month of the Renaissance. To the Company of Books, it will be that of hope with on the program the arrival of an author of Polars but also of children's literatureLouise Mey, who breathes into her works a wind of hope. Another strong point, the suspended garden workshop: “Children can come to plant seeds that they will water from time to time,” explains Aude Lemullier.

In June, prepare to shiver … The bookstore devotes this month to fear with in particular a thriller evening and an escape game for young people.


Time capsule

First month of the summer vacation, July will also be the month of nostalgia. Thus, the bookstore will organize a photo competition: take a cliché of the work of your choice at your place of vacation.

“We will also offer children to feed a souvenir capsule. The idea is to put in a box small objects that are dear to them. We will place it in a hidden place and it will only be opened in a very long time, ”explains Margot.

In August, it is the month of surprise then … we will say no more.

With the start of the school year, the end of the holidays and the summer, September will be the month of sadness: “But we are going to do everything to brighten up this period with in particular the highlighting of the authors of the new school year who begins in mid- august. September will therefore be punctuated by new products, ”says Aude Lemullier.

October promises lots of monstrosities on the occasion ofHalloween And so disgust will be the theme of the month. Finally, to conclude the year, the bookstore proposes to devote the month of November to gratitude. “To thank you for your support and your loyalty,” said the bookseller.

Since his resumption of the bookstore, Aude Lemullier has been trying to attract a large audience, in particular families and young people by organizing different activities such as the tale time, the reading club (composed of young people who select several works and put a price to the favorite author).

“You have to remain super dynamic and inventive to attract new readers and build loyalty. The more things we do, the more happy they are. »»

Aude Lemullier

Aude Lemullier also multiplied meetings with the authors but also with the actors of the world of the book: publisher, translator … and in 2025, she intends to continue this momentum …

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