should we put an end to rankings? – Liberation

should we put an end to rankings? – Liberation
should we put an end to rankings? – Liberation

Every Saturday, the public's favorite works, and still not our top 10 of the past year.

During the confectioners' truce, there was no subject to worry about (and the Kamel Daoud controversy, still in first place, seems behind us). We stay with family (Tata by Valérie Perrin is in good shape), we eat (the 155 “ultimate recipes” by François-Régis Gaudry go up), we drink (Philippe Collin and his Barman du Ritz are maintained), we get bored and we make rankings. So what are our 10, our 24, our 366 favorite of the past year? The subject divides the service internally – some believing that the tops are always a bit of a hookup, others that we could still play the game without selling our souls as readers – so much so that we have no did not want to decide, including because the choices, in fine, are done every week (and while being, it is true, very happy to catch up with the top 10 music from the Culture service since we were precisely reading when they were listening to albums). Maybe next time, there's already plenty to do: 507 novels are expected between January and February 2025, that's almost 6% more than in 2024. T.St.

Source : Datalib and Adelc, based on a panel of 344 first-level independent bookstores. Ranking of new releases noted (excluding pocket, school, guides, games, etc.) out of a total of 95,064 different titles.




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