Formidable initiative de PhotoEvidence the publishing house dedicated to Photojournalism. They explain:
In order to allow the widest possible access to our books, FotoEvidence makes them available free of charge for consultation in PDF format. We invite nonprofit organizations, public media, educational institutions, journalism schools, and social justice groups interested in the book to explore the free online edition of *Ukraine War Crime * on this link! If you see value in it, you can support FotoEvidence’s work by purchasing the book or making a donation.
FotoEvidence was founded in 2010 by Svetlana Bachevanova and David Stuart as a publishing house in New York. In 2020, FotoEvidence moved to France and organized itself as a non-profit association with an international board of directors. FotoEvidence plays a unique role in the photojournalism ecosystem, as the only publisher of long-form visual stories dedicated solely to human rights and social and ecological justice.
FotoEvidence is also unique among publishing houses as an activist organization. To display and distribute the work of dedicated photographers, FotoEvidence works with advocacy organizations working on the ground on the issues being addressed, providing visual assets for their work and a visual story that provides access, sparks empathy, and moves people to action.
In these unique roles, FotoEvidence enables expression of oppressed communities, collaborates with advocacy organizations to mobilize action, supports photographers as agents of change, educates photographers and the public through our publications and programs digital and in person.
PhotoEvidence has published 40 books addressing a wide range of issues in 27 countries, including genocide, violence against women, treatment of the mentally ill, modern slavery and ecological disasters. The work presented in three of FotoEvidence’s books provoked institutional responses to address injustice.
Ukraine War Crime: Free PDF Book