5 ideas for children’s books perfect for summer vacation!

5 ideas for children’s books perfect for summer vacation!
5 ideas for children’s books perfect for summer vacation!

Here are 5 book ideas for children. They are very different from each other and promise lovely moments of relaxation and discovery.

We have read The Little Theater of Emotions by Antonin Louchard (Seuil Jeunesse). Two sleeps in New York by Gérald Guerlais and Fabrice Colin and Wind in the notebooks by Camille Osscini and Julien Arnal (Glénat Jeunesse). Why do I always forget everything? by Arnaud Collas and Lili the Whale (Cat Tongue). Geometric love by Victoria Kaario and Juliette Binet at Editions du Rouergue.

The little theater of emotions

The story
Boredom, doubt, sadness, anger, astonishment, joy, relief… As the pages turn and our little rabbit grimaces, a whole gallery of emotions appears before our eyes. But what could put our hero in such states?

Why read it
Funny and offbeat, this album is not just another album on the subject of emotion. We like the graphics, the refined side that goes to the essentials, opening a window to the exchange between adults and children.
Recommended from 2 years old. To buy this book Click here or Click here

PWhy do I always forget everything?

The story
” Lino always forgets everything!
– His head is in the clouds, said his mistress.
– What a fool, sighs his dad.
But if Lino always forgets everything, there may be a real reason for that…

Why read it?
A poetic text, illustrations by Lili the Whale, what more could you ask for to have a good time in peace? Relaxation and a sweet story are on the program!
Recommended from 3 years old. To buy this book Click here or Click here

Geometric love

The story
Since Céleste is going to have a little brother, at home, we talk about blue. It is the moment that her parents have chosen to paint, tidy up, reorganize the space. The arrival of a little brother or sister is accompanied by worry and disturbance. Céleste is no exception. But this reorganization, as she will understand, does not exclude the love of a family environment.

Why read it?
Céleste is going through a change in her life. She is going to have a little brother. And in the house there is a lot of hustle and bustle: people are repainting, moving, tidying up…
But her parents are still so loving and cuddly and that reassures her, even if sometimes she has nightmares.
The illustrations in soft colors and very suggestive geometric shapes add an artistic touch to this intimate story which announces the arrival of this little brother.
Recommended from 2 years old. To buy this book Click here or Click here
Two sleeps in New York

The story
On his island, Maurice is bored.
“What if we leave?” » says Maurice to Simone.
“Leave? But we’re fine here! And then, where to go?”
” At New York ! » exclaims Maurice.
There, the buildings scrape the sky,
The park orchestra never stops swinging
That when people sleep,
That is to say, never.”
“It looks exhausting,” Simone said.
“But I want to be exhausted!” exclaims Maurice. Amazed, even shocked, stunned!
I want to chew gum, Wear dark glasses, Try all the taxis. Visit museums, eat a bunch of pizza, and… and…”
Simone interrupts him: “If we go to New York, will you shut up?”
“I’ll try,” Maurice promises.

Why read it?
Graphics, text, subtext we love everything in Deux dodos à New-York! Colorful, dynamic, and original, these two birds are truly incredible. The album also informs the child about the excesses and excesses of consumer society. Besides, Maurice and Simone will be very happy to return home, even if the discovery of NYC was an astonishing discovery!
Little icing on the donut, the authors have compiled a playlist to listen to while reading to scan from the first page of the book.
Reading recommended from 5 years old. To buy this book Click here or Click here

Wind in the notebooks

The story
Your heart is pounding. Today is the last day of school, the last dictation, the last recess, the end of notebooks… It’s the wait for this day that has kept you going all year!

Why read it?
Here is a new opus in the “The Little Joys of Charlie Blossom” series. So here we are on vacation! With Julien Arnal’s watercolor drawings and the theme of the book, we’ll enjoy this fresh, bright and lively story! And to make reading even more exciting, the authors oscillate between comics, albums and Polaroid photos!
Recommended from 5 years old To buy this book Click here or Click here
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Elizabeth Sutton wrote the reviews except for Geometric Love which is a review by Régine Barat



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