Behind closed doors in the mountains – To the joy of books

Behind closed doors in the mountains – To the joy of books
Behind closed doors in the mountains – To the joy of books

Guillaume Durand welcomes two writers with strong personalities this week on the set of “Au bonheur des livres”. Jean-Marc Rochette and Olivier Adam have very different backgrounds: the former initially became known mainly in the world of comics, in particular thanks to a cult series, adapted for the cinema by the Korean Bong Joon-ho (Palme d’Or at Cannes) then on Netflix, “Le Transperceneige”, and it was only in his sixties that he published his first literary, autobiographical and superb story, “Au cœur de l’hiver” (Les Étages Éditions); the second has long been known for his successful novels, and the one he is publishing today. “Il ne se passe jamais rien ici” (Ed. Flammarion) is already the twentieth, not counting his many books for young people… but both of these authors share a certain taste for solitude and the testing of man against the elements, or simply society, towards which they are willingly circumspect. Their two books have in common in any case that they take place in the Alps, one in the Écrins massif, the other on the shores of Lake Annecy, each time describing a strange closed-door situation. “Il ne se passe jamais rien” is thus devoured like a crime novel, making a somewhat oppressive village in the middle of the mountains the scene of a sort of choral tragedy, which also makes us reflect on the violence of the human condition… And it is this same human condition that Jean-Marc Rochette evokes in another way, in “Au cœur de l’hiver”, since he tells of his very real installation with his partner in a high-altitude house, away from everything and everyone, where they will live a sort of initiatory season in the magnificent but sometimes rigorous isolation of nature: a few months in the parenthesis of the world. In any case, we can guess that these two writers may have a lot to say to each other: orchestrated by Guillaume Durand, their meeting promises to be fascinating!

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