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Baroque treasures. Painting in Bourbonnais in the 17th century

Baroque treasures. Painting in Bourbonnais in the 17th century
Baroque treasures. Painting in Bourbonnais in the 17th century

What can we do this summer to escape the Olympic Games, the deleterious effects of which are already being felt, a month before the start of the competitions? Contrary to what one might believe from the incessant propaganda unleashed by the media and the multiple exhibitions in museums requisitioned for the occasion, some still resist the invaders. Real exhibitions, with a purpose, catalogs and which give rise to fundamental restorations for heritage are in fact visible this summer almost everywhere in France.

Among them, we have already talked about that of the Mobilier National on the works of Notre-Dame and Germanic paintings in Dijon, Besançon and Colmar…. We will soon talk about Jean Daret in Aix-en-Provence and Nordic drawings in Orléans. And other exhibitions take place which, although not heritage in the sense of the previous ones, are nonetheless art history, such as Jean Hugo in Montpellier, Jean Lurçat in Perpignan, Berthe Morisot in Nice, Whistler in Rouen , impressionist photography in Le Havre… Those we have not cited please excuse us.

It is therefore mainly in the provinces that we will be able to escape the obligatory celebrations around the “great sports festival”. And for this reason Moulins is worth a visit in order to see in particular the exhibition dedicated to painting in Bourbonnais in the 17th century. This leaves time, since it began last February and will not end until January 5, 2025.

1. Giovanni Gherardini (1655-1723)

The Assumption of the Virginaround 1680-1684


Mills, Courthouse

Photo: Didier Rykner

See the image on his page

As the catalog explains (small but where all the works exhibited benefit from a complete notice), the term “baroque” is used here in the broad sense, that of the art of the 17th century, which formally can still be mannerist, classic or baroque in the more commonly accepted sense. However, we are for…

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