Review / “This is not a book about gender” (2024): salutary points of reference in the middle of a storm

For several months, France has been living to the rhythm of new tensions around the question of gender. In response to the controversial Transmaniathe book This is not a book about gender by Morgan N. Lucas provides informed information to promote dialogue and see things more clearly, without fake news. The opinion and book review of Bulles de Culture.


How do you know whether you are a man, a woman, or neither? Is it a belief, a thought, a role, a condition, a chromosome, a hormone level, an M or an F on your ID card? Far from injunctions and preconceived schemes, is it still you in the mirror?

This is not a book about genderbut a book about you and us

Morgan N. Lucas © Adeline Rapon

Morgan N. Lucastherapist and trainer on issues of cultural and gender diversity, excels in his own right Instagram where popularized and educational content abounds.

To better understand all topics around gender without having to go back and watch a specific video, Practical Hatchet decided to contact him to offer to write the work on the genre that the publishing house had been thinking of!

On April 3 in bookstores, we were able to discover the common thread of This is not a book about gender : “So no, this is not a book about gender. It’s a book about you, about me, about us, about your neighbor, your baker, your lawyer, your great-uncle, your banker and your cousin by marriage, about the relationships that unite us but above all about what prevents us from to join us, it is a book about power and insubordination, about freedom and domination, about disobedience and injunctions.”.

Law in the Senate and disinformation campaign

THE Senate took up the subject at the end of May and voted for a bill aimed at banning gender transitions among minors in France. Helped by the two authors Dora Moutot And Marguerite Stern, of the stigmatizing book Transmania (and received by all reactionary media), the senators caused a wave of panic among all LGBTQIA+ and their allies.

At a time when feminists are advocating unity and intersectionality, Dora Moutot and Marguerite Stern have gone from defenders of feminist issues to authors criticized and reviled for their discriminatory remarks towards the transgender community.

The book This is not a book about gender aims to be more scientific and wishes to provide concrete and clear answers on a delicate, complex and above all new subject in the media spheres.

Our opinion ?

Documented, educational and public utility test, This is not a book about gender addresses the concepts in a simple way – and with a model that is desirable – and far from heated, emotional and violent debates. Faced with the rise of far-right ideas, a much-needed book.

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Luigi Lattuca
Cultural journalist fascinated by human behavior, loving to find himself defending cinema alone and also delighting in TV series and hard-hitting essays.

TOP 3 TV: “Desperate Housewives” (2004-2012), “Revenge” (2011-2015), “2 Broke Girls” (2011-…)
TOP 3 Cinema: “Batman, the challenge” (1992), “Beauty and the Beast” (1991), “8 Women” (2002)
TOP 3 Literature: “The assessment of intelligence” (1935) by Paul Valéry, “Robert of proper names” (2002) by Amélie Nothomb, “To the two of us, Paris!” (2012) by Benoît Duteurtre

Personal website: Les caprices de Luigi

Luigi Lattuca

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