To take all your books to the beach, choose the new Kobo e-readers

To take all your books to the beach, choose the new Kobo e-readers
To take all your books to the beach, choose the new Kobo e-readers

The screen also has an anti-glare filter, which further improves reading comfort when using the device in direct sunlight. You can read your novels on the beach, during your tanning session. The panel also has ComfortLight Pro technology, which reduces blue light depending on the brightness of the room or environment around you.

The Kobo Libra Color is finally compatible with the Kobo 2 stylus (available as an option). The latter allows you to annotate your works in handwriting and highlight the passages that struck you, as you would on a paper book, but with the advantage that these indications can be deleted with a single click when you do so. wish.

The Kobo Libra Color also doubles the storage compared to the Koba Clara Color, with 32 GB of memory, the equivalent of 24,000 books in digital format and 150 audio books. For the latter, a Bluetooth chip is integrated into the e-reader in order to connect wireless headphones or earphones in order to easily listen to them on the move.

If you want, you can switch from portrait to landscape format by simply rotating the e-reader. You can put two pages side by side, like a real paper book, or get more surface area per page for easier reading.



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