The winners of the Grand Est 2024 Book Prize

The winners of the Grand Est 2024 Book Prize
The winners of the Grand Est 2024 Book Prize

The 4th edition of the Grand Est Book Prize has revealed its three winners. Chaired by the novelist Agnes Ledigthe jury of six members rewarded Rare Earth of Clement Vuilier (2024 editions) in the “Comics and graphic novel” category, Many Many Many ofOriane Brunat (L’Articho) for the “youth album” and the Strasbourg publishing house Pétrole éditions in the “green book” category with Edgesvisual artist and photographer Vincent Chevillon.

Organized as part of “Strasbourg, Unesco World Book Capital 2024” by the French Bookstore Union, the Grand Est Book Prize is awarded during the National Bookstore Meetings to works published during the year in French by a independent publishing house with its headquarters in Grand Est and/or by an author/illustrator residing in the region. It is supported by the Grand Est Region.

The winners received their prizes on June 16, 2024 in the presence ofAgnes Ledig and of Gabrielle Rosner-Blochregional advisor responsible for Culture and Religious Affairs.

The jury this year was composed of Kathleen Feret, Sarah Polacci, Sophie Vissière, Mariina Bakic And Thomas Huot-Marchand. They presented seven favorites in order to “symbolically highlight” the variety and quality of the numerous applications received in the “Youth Album” category:

  • Papa’s cloud of Stephanie Marchal And Agnes de Lestrade (Alice Jeunesse)
  • A procession of ants carrying 1000 times their weight of Baptiste Filippi And Loïc Urbaniak (2024 editions)
  • Batabata ofEmilie Vast (MeMo editions)
  • Panorama of Fanette Mellier (book editions)
  • The springs ofAdrien Parlange (The part)
  • A Lisou of Guillaume Chauchat And Anne Vaudray (Biscotto editions)
  • Round trip to the sea ofAgathe Demois (Youth Threshold)


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