“Alexandre le Monchellois”, a book in the name of the father to continue to keep him alive

“Alexandre le Monchellois”, a book in the name of the father to continue to keep him alive
“Alexandre le Monchellois”, a book in the name of the father to continue to keep him alive

Why this book?

« For me it’s a way to bring it back to life », Comments Annie Duhem, marked by the sudden death of her father from a heart attack in 1991, at the age of 63. “ His departure left a big void, he was very enterprising, always ready to help, the opposite of the popular sayingbig gods, little doers”. “. Thanks to family memories and her recovered diaries, Annie chronologically retraced the life of her father, who entered the world of work early, at the age of 14, in the fields, followed, upon returning from military service, by 34 years spent at Béghin.

A book that bears witness to its time

The book describes Alexandre’s daily life, at school with its moral lessons, on the farm without comfort and the water that has to be pumped outside, the weekly washing in a basin. So many paintings that depict a not so ancient era. Life does not spare Alexandre. At 4 years old, he lost his mother Marie to breast cancer for which she did not dare to consult a doctor.

The Second War arrives with its privations. In 1943, Alexandre le Monchellois witnessed the unfortunate dropping of English bombs in the hamlet of Rue, causing destruction and victims. He will then do his military service in where he passes his heavy goods vehicle license and will be a driver at 35e parachute light artillery regiment.

Alexandre Duhem’s diaries where he recorded his days were a precious help for the author.

A hard life

Freed from his military obligations, he learns that the Béghin sugar factory is recruiting. He was hired there as a driver. Then began busy years, with weeks of 50, 60 and even 70 hours of work during the months following the beet harvests. Alexandre will never complain, the factory was his second family. He gets his coach license, and there he is driving the Thumeries football and basketball teams on weekends.

Alexandre will swap his bike for a moped, then the purchase of a Peugeot 403 will allow Sunday outings and going on vacation. Gas stove, television, bathroom will then enter Alexandre’s house. We are in the “Thirty Glorious Years”.

The first volume closes with the events of May 1968, the second devoted to the years 1969-1991 will be released by the end of the year.

Alexander the Monchelloisvolume 1, 357 pages, Colibri editions. Available in the Moncheaux and Thumeries media library.



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