Benefit from the same books from the media library in Aulnoy, it’s coming soon

Benefit from the same books from the media library in Aulnoy, it’s coming soon
Benefit from the same books from the Valenciennes media library in Aulnoy, it’s coming soon

A small revolution awaits regulars at the François-Rabelais media library, in Aulnoy-lez-. From the month of Decemberit will be possible to borrow the same livres and have access to the same services offered in the media libraries of Valenciennes, Anzin and Quérénaing. Only the membership card will suffice.

This is the whole principle of Myriad. Behind this name lies the new network of media libraries du Valenciennois launched last spring at the instigation of the urban community. One of its characteristics: guaranteeing users a free access in all media libraries in Valenciennes. No change for the Aulnesian establishment, free since January 2023.

Temporary closure

This change in size necessarily implies a break-in time. Thus, the media library will be closed to the public from November 28 to December 3. The time of “ train staff » et « connect the computer system of the Aulnoy media library to the Myriade network », Indicates the city.



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