Treasures to discover at the ancient and modern book fair

Treasures to discover at the ancient and modern book fair
Treasures to discover at the ancient and modern book fair

The 20th edition will take place this weekend in the Villefranche hall.

Small and large value books

The company of friends of ancient and modern books (Rouergue, Quercy, Périgord) returns to the forefront of the Villefranchise literary scene this weekend with a new edition of the ancient and modern book fair, after a break due, among other things, to the health crisis (the last act took place in 2019). As usual, we will be able to find everything at this 20th show, both recent out-of-print books and old books in the literal sense, that is to say from the origins of printing until 1815, the date where automatic sheet feeding took over from the hand press: “There will be books at low prices, and some of great value, even if we won’t be able to find the Gutemberg Bible ” confides President Patrice Lesueur, who specifies that entry will be free: “We only pay for the books ” he continues, smiling.

Rich and varied program

For this new opus, around ten booksellers from the region, and even from a little further afield, will be present, and will offer a wide range of books, in all areas. An exhibition of old inkwells and other objects linked to writing (from the beginning of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century) will also be offered, as will an exhibition of drawings by Robert Carmona, who will host a small drawing and writing workshop with his daughter. aimed at young people, “to try to reach another audience “. Finally, a bookbinder from Figeac will come and present her work.

In short, a beautiful weekend ahead dedicated to books, and the opportunity to unearth some treasures, old or more modern books.

> Old and modern book fair, under the Villefranche market hall. Opening Saturday October 5 at 2 p.m. (until 6 p.m.). It will continue the next day throughout the day, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. FREE ENTRANCE.



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