Surviving hell, Cristina’s poignant book

Surviving hell, Cristina’s poignant book
Surviving family hell, Cristina’s poignant book

the essential
Cristina Casado has just published her first book. This Tarnaise recounts her life under influence and delivers keys, found over time, to help other victims.

Born in Mazamet, where she lived for a long time, Cristina Casado now lives in . Her chaotic life journey – beaten woman, psychologically mistreated by loved ones – gave her the desire to tell her story in this book and above all to give keys to those who could find themselves in her situation. For eight years, she has been giving advice online to help victims free themselves from manipulators. Interview.

Cristina Casado, you are publishing your first book Surviving Hell. What inspired you to write?

It was the advice of my medical team that led me to write. It took me a while to decide. It’s not easy to write your story, especially when it’s painful. And then, honestly, I didn’t think I could do it.

You tell a true story, yours, which is particularly difficult.

For a long time, I was the victim of abuse by my first partner, then by relatives. Physical and psychological violence… I was a battered woman. I still suffer from anxiety disorders and depression today.

Is this book a testimony?

Yes, the testimony of my experience and the consequences that these events can have on physical and psychological .

But it’s not just a testimony. Have you sought to go further than just the story of your life, are you trying to provide answers and information?

I looked into these types of behaviors. I did a lot of research, read a lot of books and studies. In this book, I attempt to analyze the behavior of manipulators, the effects on their victims, but also on the victims themselves, whom I call “the prey”. Who are they ?

Does your book also offer advice?

Yes, it’s a hybrid book. I give tips to people who could, without necessarily knowing it, be under the influence, so that they can get help.

What do you expect from the publication of this book?

I didn’t write for myself. It is to help people under the influence or their loved ones. My suffering will not have been in vain if I can put it to good use by helping people. I tell myself that if this book helps even one person, I wouldn’t have written it for nothing.

Surviving family hell, by Cristina Casado, edition of Le Lys Bleu


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