The Fagnières autumn book fair promoted the writing of the Marnais

The Fagnières autumn book fair promoted the writing of the Marnais
The Fagnières autumn book fair promoted the writing of the Marnais

The André Gallois Cultural Center in Fagnières hosts a wide variety of events throughout the year. But this time, on September 28 and 29, visitors discovered books there. Or rather authors. Forty writers accepted the invitation from Magali Moulinier, the kingpin of the book fair, organized for the third time.

On site, enthusiasts found a slew of books intended for lovers of words, like on the stand of Caroline FEH, for Femme épanouie et bonheur, who writes columns gathered under the title “The body does not make gender”. She changes from one gender to another without pressure and without shame, she accepts it. Today she is a woman and tomorrow she will be a man. In a column she writes: “ I’m not going to linger on telling, explaining, that Caroline is a woman, she knows it and so do I. »

A little further on, there are the books of Madeleine Petitpantalon who becomes Murielle Moreaux in the context of writing. This woman writes life stories which she has printed in Châlons-en-Champagne. “ It’s good for the local economy », specifies the Chalonnaise who indicates that her books can be collected at the Bar à papattes, behind Carrefour -Dampierre.

“It’s a friendly place where authors like to meet”

Denis Fenatmayor of Fagnières

Two examples among many others, which Mayor Denis Fenat did not fail to congratulate: “ It’s a friendly place where authors like to meet. After being locked up with their pens, being around people is a freedom for writers. Visitors can have their book signed but also chat with the authors. »

The activities were punctuated by drawings by Tex, various workshops, board games and a gourmet aperitif.



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